Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote:

> Can you compile a simple c++ file like this:
>     #include <iostream>
>     int
>     main (int, char const*[])
>     {
>       std::cout << "Hello world" << endl;
>       return 0;
>     }

Yes. I can also compile gcc 3.0 and many, many other tools.

> What system do you use?

Solaris 2.8 + gcc 2.95.3

> Did you install gcc yourself?

And built it, along with several other versions, all of which work
for the different tasks for which I built them.

> Did you install the stdc++ libraries?


> What compile and link flags did you use?

For gcc or for lilypond?

Jack J. Woehr      # Politicians are the same all over:
Senior Consultant  #  they promise to build a bridge
Purematrix, Inc.   #   even where there is no river.
www.purematrix.com #    - Nikita Khrushchev

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