noteedit-1.15.0 is available:

New features:

  - drum notes

Thanks to Erik Sigra <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >

He made some changes which make noteedit more KDE conform. Among them: 

  - konqueror embedding
        (still experimental. Perhaps a KDE guru can explain to
         me how to set the keyboard focus into embedded widget.)
  - all icons in 3 different sizes (16x16, 22x22, 32x32) 
  - Online help (requires KDE >= 2.2) 

Aspects of exportation/working of/with drum notes

I introduced 2 different drum clefs for MIDI mapping: The
"normal" drum clef maps like treble clef. The other has 
an arrow downward and maps like bass clef.


All 5 drum notes are supported in MusiXTeX.


First of all: I was told my drum exportation doesn't
use all LilyPond featurs. Perhaps a LilyPond guru can
review the noteedit-LilyPond output and send me a mail
what to to.

The drum notes export works but with some side effects.
All notes in a chord appear with the same drum note type.
Only 3 of the 5 types are supported.


Drum notes are not suported in PMX.


The MUP compatibility ends here. MUP doesn't support drum notes.
Noteedit "extends" the MUP syntax to correctly restore the score. Noteedit will
warn you, because (of course) the result isn't Mup-able.

other features:

   - insertion/deletion/modification of notes, rests, dotted notes/rests,
     tied notes, slured notes, clefs with/without shift, time signatures,
     key signatures, volume signatures, tempo signatures, triplets, repeat
     groups with/without special ending and instrument changes on different
   - stem up/down
   - zoom
   - building chords;
   - trills;
   - (de-)crescendo
   - fermata;
   - forzato, portato, strong pizzicato, sforzando;
   - building groups of beamed notes;
   - multiple voices per staff
   - multilingual (German version Swedish version)
   - playing on /dev/sequencer (if correctly configured) whereby:
        o giving each staff a different voice;
        o giving each staff a different channel;
        o giving each staff a different reverbation and chorus;
        o highlighting the played notes;
        o muting staffs;
   - lyrics
   - export MusiXTeX;
   - export PMX;
   - export MIDI;
   - import MIDI;
   - read from MIDI keyboard;
   - Application of MIDI event filters to eliminate
     some dirty effects (especially on human played MIDI files);
   - record from MIDI keyboard;
   - saving an restoring the files. The fileformat is similarily to the
     format of the music publication program (MUP). So you if you are a MUP
     user you have the possibility to convert the files into MIDI and
     Postscript. But this is no longer necessary because noteedit can export
     MusiXTeX, PMX and MIDI.
   - autosave with configurable autosave interval; 
   - load last processed file (configurable) 

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