Hi Joerg, I frequently have to write drum parts. That works, except for the midi playback. I define a macro:
cr = { \property Voice.NoteHead \override #'style = #'cross } and ncr = { \property Voice.NoteHead \revert #'style } That gives me a very convenient way of switching between crossed and normal heads. Crosses with circle are, AFAIK, not supported, but the normal crossed half-note doesn't look bad. Amelie Am Mit, 10 Okt 2001 schrieben Sie: > Hello! > > Some weeks ago there was a discussion about MIDI channel > definition in LilyPond. If I noticed this right, nobody > answered. (?) The channel is important for drum track > definition, because the drum track is on MIDI channel 10 > on most soundcards. > > BTW: Does LilyPond offer drum notes ? (note body as cross > and note body as cross with circle around and so on ...) > > -- > J.Anders, Chemnitz, GERMANY ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) > > > _______________________________________________ > Lilypond-user mailing list > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > http://mail.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user _______________________________________________ Lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://mail.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user