> > ... it appears that the dvi file
> > have some sort of timestamp based on the minute inside them?)
> I believe this is the case - at least, I know they have a timestamp of
> some kind.
> > How do I change the papersize?  Right now, the music is running off
> > the bottom of my paper.
> I think you need to explicitly load a font-setting file after setting
> papersize. The info pages say:
> <    To change the paper size, you must first set the `papersize'
> < variable at top level.  Set it to the strings `a4', `letter', or
> < `legal'.  After this specification, you must set the font as described
> < above.  If you want the default font, then use the 20 point font.
> < 
> <              papersize = "a4"
> <              \include "paper16.ly"
> < 
> <    The file `paper16.ly'  will now include a file named `a4.ly', which
> < will set the paper variables `hsize' and `vsize' (used by `ly2dvi')
> So try
> papersize = "letter"
> \include "paper20.ly"
> for the default font size on letter paper.
> Ian

Ok, I'm still lost.  I have tried the following two things:

papersize = "letter"
\include "paper23.ly"


papersize = "letter"
\include "paper20.ly"

With "paper23.ly", it puts six staves on the page, and the bottom gets
cut off when I print.  With "paper20.ly", it puts only three staves on
the page, then page breaks (at the end of the first movement).  Why might this happen?

In a related question, can I have more than one \paper block?  If,
after the above commands, I put

\paper { indent =0.0\mm }

will this simply have the additional effect of no indentation, or can
this cause commands in other paperblocks to not happen?


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