I'm using lilypond 1.4.6 under RedHat Linux.

The manual suggests that I could change the font size via a command such as 

\include "paper23.ly"

Looking at this file, it defines it's own paper block, so I assumed
I'd just replace my own (empty) paper block with this command?  If I
do this, I get a parse error:

/usr/local/share/lilypond/ly/paper23.ly:6:16: error: parse error:
                 = \paper {

/usr/local/share/lilypond/ly/paper23.ly:12:26: error: parse error:
\paper { \paperTwentythree

If, instead, I simply copy out the contents of the file into my own
paper block, it seems to work:

  \paper {
    staffheight = 23.0\pt
    indent = 0.0mm
    \stylesheet #(make-style-sheet 'paper23)
    \include "params.ly"

What's going on here?  This isn't urgent, because I have something
that works, but I'm trying to learn the system well.


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