> ...or at least ones that most likely have been figured out...
> 1. How do I edit the "lily was here" at the bottom of the page?

Just set the 'tagline' header field:
  tagline = "Hello World!"

> 2. How do I make sure that the first line is not indented?  I've used
> LaTeX in the past, and figured the \noindent command should go somewhere,
> but can't seem to figure that out.

Once http://lilypond.org/search/ works well (it's broken at the
moment but worked reasonably yesterday), you could easily 
find the answer to this and many other questions from a free text
search in the on-line manual. Anyway, just set the paper variable
'indent' to the desired level of indentation:

    indent = 0.0\cm

> 3. I currently have a staff setup with words in between the treble and
> bass clefs.  Problem is, the measure bars continue from the top staff to
> the bottom and drive right over the words.  How do I quarantine the bar
> lines to just the staves and not in-between?

Try a \context ChoirStaff instead of GrandStaff or StaffGroup or
whatever you tried.

> 4. I would like to number my verses.  How?

See the example file input/regression/lyric-phrasing.ly
or read in the reference manual about 'stanza'.

> 5. I would like to put a dynamic marking at the beginning of each verse,
> such as
> mf 1. this is verse one lyrics
> mf 2. this is verse two lyrics
> f  3. this is verse three
> pp 4. this is verse four.

Hmm, that's a good question. I tried to use font markup
commands in the stanza property but it didn't work. 
Bug or limitation?

% Failed attempt:
\property LyricsVoice . stanza = #'(dynamic "mf")

> 6. I saw the snippet to produce a metronome mark for "{eighth-note} = 60"
> in the manual...could someone provide the code for a quarter-note?  I
> kludged one, but it doesn't look pretty.

I tried to change 
  ,dotted-eight-note " = 64" 
  ,note " = 64"
in the example and it looks reasonably good to me.


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