> > > I don't know anything about Flex.  Should I learn it?
> > 
> > No, the only thing you need do is just, please, follow the INSTALL
> > instructions.
>       As I said above: this involves going back to 2.95.3, which
>       I'm unwilling to do.
> > > Or is there a possibility that you could send me -- perhaps post to
> > > the list -- a new lexer.ll?
> > 
> > There's nothing wrong with lexer.ll.  The problem arises when you
> > choose to install a too new compiler (gcc-3.x), but try to use it
> > together with a too old flex.
>       my flex is 2.5.4.  I have to say that if the source will only compile
>       with _just_ the right C++ compiler working in tandem with _just_
>       the right lex, then the development path of this admittedly
>       complicated SW is steering too close to the banks -- or to the
>       cliffs, depending on your metaphor.

Flex is a standard programming tool used in lots of 
programs, don't blame Lilypond for that. Apparently, 
there's some unfortunate incompatibility  between the
Flex version you use and gcc 3.0, but as far as I can 
understand from earlier mails on this list, there is a 
newer version available that solves this problem and
makes it possible to compile both Lilypond and all other
programs that use Flex with gcc 3.0. If you don't have a
Flex version that doesn't work together with your 
compiler, than you don't have a coherent C programming

I recommend that you browse the mailing list archives
of lilypond-user, lilypond-devel and bug-lilypond to
find more details on this specific problem.
Searchable archives (with some delay) can be found
at http://www.mail-archive.com/lilypond-user@gnu.org/
and correspondingly for the other lists.


> So I shall turn my attention to other issues, and wait for the
> Lilypond ship to turn the gcc 3.0 corner.
> Best wishes to all,
> Alan
> -- 
> Alan McConnell        "It really doesn't matter that we've now persuaded
> Pixel Analysis        every Afghan to keep ObL hidden from his enemy, 
> patriot.net/~alan     because our planes are getting a good workout."
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