Wow, that was a quick response.  Thanks so much.  I still have some

 > try explicitly instantiating a Voice

Ok, I changed it to read:

     \context Staff = up {
        \context Voice {
           \relative c'' \sequential {
              < a2. c2.  > ~ < a8 c8 > d8
              c8 f,8 <des8 g8 ( >  < ) d2 aes'2>  ~  <d8 aes'8>  r4

It makes the ties now, but it warns me that no ties are created in
that spot.  Is this a problem/known issue?

> > 2.  I'd like to legato slur the first two two note chords in the
> > second measure, but I don't know how.  The best I've been able to do
> > so far is:> > 
> >          c8 f,8 <des8 g8 ) >  < ) d2 aes'2>  ~  <d8 aes'8>  r4
> > 
> try
>           c8 f,8 <des8 g8 ( >  < ) d2 aes'2>  ~  <d8 aes'8>  r4

Sorry for the typo.  What I sent obviously would give a parse error.
I had what you suggested.  It ties the des8 to the d2, but not the g8
to the aes.

> > 3.  Is there any way to tie a grace note to the note it precedes?
> No, not with 1.4.x.

Is there another version out that will do this that you recommend?

Thanks again so much for the quick reply.  I'm really enjoying the
program, looking forward to learning lots more about it.


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