Works flawlessly.  Thanks ever so much.

Now:  on to problem two.

My song has the following form:

  (1)  a very brief (one-measure) introduction
  (2)  an "a" section which is repeated note for note (but with totally different
  (3)  a "b" section (bridge)
  (4) a sorta repeat of the "a" section which, however ends quite differently.

My problem is only with (2) above.

I have the "a" section fine, repeat and all for the music (all instruments) and the
chord designations using the \repeat { stuph } notation however I haven't figured out
how to insert the second set of lyrics.

Obviously I'd like 'em to appear immediately below the first lyrics.

I gave one feeble try based on the "Row, row, row your boat" example but that doesn't
use the \score { stuph } and anyway I obviously did it all wrong.  All I got was
compile time errors.

Any takers?


Maury (who's delighted by LilyPond and can now actually produce legible music!)  <grin>

Laura Conrad wrote:

> >>>>> "Maury" == Maury Merkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     Maury> I have found that my problem with lining up the lyrics is always in the
>     Maury> case of tied notes.  So that if I have a word "ride" which is to be sung
>     Maury> on a g-sharp eighth note and then held for an additional half note (in ly
>     Maury> notation: | b8 gis' ~ gis2 | ) the lyric is never made to hold for the
>     Maury> duration but, rather, the word "long" is properly shown as sung on the b
>     Maury> eighth note and "ride" is properly shown as sung on the g-sharp eighth
>     Maury> note but then the next word is shown as sung on the g-sharp half note.
>     Maury> UGH!!!
>     Maury> As a kludge I have "syllablized" ride to "ri- de" and that lines up
>     Maury> everything in an ugly sort of "proper" way.
>     Maury> Ain't there a better way to do this?
> Yes.  Put an underscore after ride: "ride _"
> --
> Laura (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] , )
> (617) 661-8097  fax: (801) 365-6574
> 233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139
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