On Wed, 31 Oct 2001, Maury Merkin wrote:

>I've got a file foo.ly which compiles with no error messages
>and 'ly2dvi -P foo.ly' produces the desired foo.ps just as I
>desire but I can't figure out how to produce a midi file.
>Here are the last several lines of foo.ly:
>-------- begin --------
>\score {
> \simultaneous {
>  %\accompaniment
>   \context ChordNames
>    \accompaniment
>  \melody
>  }
> }
> \midi  { \tempo  4 = 72  }
> \paper { linewidth = 10.0\cm }

I'm kind of a newbie too, but in the files I have, the \paper and \midi
tags go *inside* the closing brace of \score.

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