Hello everybody,
I am a newbie and a try to enter the following example on Lilypond.
I don't understand what is wrong in my file, the braces semm (to me???)
correct, and Lilypond issues 2 errors.
Can you help me please?
many thanks for your response.
Running LilyPond...
GNU LilyPond 1.5.9
Now processing: `/usr/music/7ms.ly'
/usr/music/7ms.ly:38:5: error: parse error:
error: parse error
/usr/music/7ms.ly:13:11: warning: Braces don't match:
{ \notes \context PianoStaff <
erreur: lilypond: command exited with value 256
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/bin/ly2dvi", line 784, in ?
run_lilypond (files, outbase, dep_prefix)
File "/usr/local/bin/ly2dvi", line 391, in run_lilypond
system ('lilypond %s %s ' % (opts, fs))
File "/usr/local/bin/ly2dvi", line 315, in system
error (msg)
File "/usr/local/bin/ly2dvi", line 213, in error
raise _ ("Exiting ... ")
Exiting ...
Papersize = "a4"
\header {
filename = "7ms.ly"
title = "7.mes pour les TL3"
description = "chiffrage, degrés, cadences et tonalités!"
opus = ""
source = ""
composer = "Lucile BOUCHE"
enteredby = "R. M."
copyright = "Public Domain"
\score { \notes \context PianoStaff <
\context Staff = "up" {
\time 4/4 \clef G \key g \minor \relative c' {
<g4 bes> <fis a> <g bes> <g bes> |
<f a> <f a> <ees g> <ees g> |
<d fis2> r2 |
<f a4> <f bes> <e bes> <e a> |
<f a4> <d gis> <cis2 a> |
<ees4 a> <d bes> <f b> <e c> |
<a c> <a c> <g2 c> |
<g c4> <g bes> <fis2 a> |
<d1 g> \bar "||"
} }
\context Staff = "down" {
\time 4/4 \clef F \key g \minor \relative c {
<g4 d'> <d d'> <g d'> <c ees'> |
<f c'> <bes, d'> <ees bes> <a, c'> |
<d2 a> r2 |
<D4 d'> <g d'> <c bes> <f a> |
<b, d> <e b> <a,2 a> |
<f,4 c'> <bes bes> <g, d'> <c c'> |
<f c> <f d>< <c2 e> |
<c4 ees'> <cis e> <d d'> <d c> |
<g1 bes> \bar "||"
} }
\paper { }
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