
in Juni there was a thread about next stable/devel release of the
2.24/25 series, also mentioning 2.26. may come not this year but in
Nevertheless I now went through all lsr-snippets and made them
compilable with 2.25.22. Ofcourse they are all on my computer only.

During the task I made two remarkable observations:

(1) We currently have two failing snippets in
/Documentation/snippets/new breathing-signs.ly and
Both fail, because scripts.upbow was changed to scripts.u/dupbow (same
for downbow). Please find fixed files attached, too tired to patch

(2) Upgrading combining-pedal-notes-with-clef-changes.ly
https://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=326 has driven me crazy. It's a
subdivideBeams thingy.
As a minimal;
In 3/8 time I entered 1/16-Triplets with 3 different methods and got
two different printings
Same for quintuplets, but got 3 different outputs. (see attached: cropped png)
Imho, they should all come out equal.(as with 2.24.) and I don't
understand the docs in this regard.

\version "2.15.21"

  \time 3/8
  %\set beatBase = 8
  \set subdivideBeams = ##t
  %\set minimumBeamSubdivisionInterval = \musicLength 8
  %\set maximumBeamSubdivisionInterval = \musicLength 8
  \tuplet 3/2 { \repeat unfold 9 b16 } |
  \repeat unfold 9 b16*2/3
  \tuplet 3/2 8 { \repeat unfold 9 b16 }

  \tuplet 5/4 { \repeat unfold 15 b32 }
  \repeat unfold 15 b32*4/5
  \tuplet 5/4 8 { \repeat unfold 15 b32 }

If someone can enlighten me...

\version "2.25.0"

\header {
  lsrtags = "expressive-marks, symbols-and-glyphs"

  texidoc = "
Breathing signs are available in different tastes: commas (default),
ticks, vees and @qq{railroad tracks} (caesura).

  doctitle = "Breathing signs"

%% Updaters remark:
%% The general "scripts.upbow" is gone. 
%% Use "scripts.uupbow" resp. "scripts.dupbow" instead.
%% Same for "scripts.downbow" --harm

\new Staff \relative c'' {
  \key es \major
  \time 3/4
  % this bar contains no \breathe
  << { g4 as g } \\ { es4 bes es } >> |
  % Modern notation:
  % by default, \breathe uses the rcomma, just as if saying:
  % \override BreathingSign.text =
  %   #(make-musicglyph-markup "scripts.rcomma")
  << { g4 as g } \\ { es4 \breathe bes es } >> |

  % rvarcomma and lvarcomma are variations of the default rcomma
  % and lcomma
  % N.B.: must use Staff context here, since we start a Voice below
  \override Staff.BreathingSign.text =
    \markup { \musicglyph "scripts.rvarcomma" }
  << { g4 as g } \\ { es4 \breathe bes es } >> |

  % raltcomma and laltcomma are alternative variations of the
  % default rcomma and lcomma
  \override Staff.BreathingSign.text =
    \markup { \musicglyph "scripts.raltcomma" }
  << { g4 as g } \\ { es4 \breathe bes es } >> |

  % vee
  \override BreathingSign.text =
    \markup { \musicglyph "scripts.uupbow" }
  es8[ d es f g] \breathe f |

  % caesura
  \override BreathingSign.text =
    \markup { \musicglyph "scripts.caesura.curved" }
  es8[ d] \breathe es[ f g f] |
  es2 r4 \bar "||"
\version "2.25.6"

\header {
  lsrtags = "headword"

  texidoc = "
Unfretted headword

  doctitle = "Unfretted headword"

% #!lilypond lcp-extract.ly -*- coding: utf-8; -*-

%%% les-cinq-pieds:
%%% extract for the lilypond documentaton project

%% Title:	Les cinq pieds
%% Composer: 	David Séverin
%% Date:	Juillet 2007
%% Instrument:	Violon Solo
%% Dedication:	A mon épouse Lívia De Souza Vidal
%% Additional:	avec l'aide de Krzysztof Wagenaar

%% Statement:

%% Here by, I, the composer, agree that this extract of my composition
%% be in the public domain and can be part of, used and presented in
%% the LilyPond Documention Project.

%% Statement Date: Octber the 9th, 2008

%%% Abbreviations

%% Updaters remark:
%% The general "scripts.upbow" is gone. 
%% Use "scripts.uupbow" resp. "scripts.dupbow" instead 
%% Not sure if all is fixed correctly, some definitions are not used --harm

db         = \markup { \musicglyph "scripts.udownbow" }
dub        = \markup { \line { \musicglyph "scripts.udownbow" " " \musicglyph "scripts.uupbow" } }
dubetc     = \markup { \line { \musicglyph "scripts.udownbow" " " \musicglyph "scripts.uupbow" "..." } }

ub         = \markup { \musicglyph "scripts.uupbow" }
udb        = \markup { \line { \musicglyph "scripts.uupbow" " " \musicglyph "scripts.udownbow" } }
udbetc     = \markup { \line { \musicglyph "scripts.uupbow" " " \musicglyph "scripts.udownbow" "..." } }

accel   = \markup \tiny \italic \bold "accel..."
ritar   = \markup \tiny \italic \bold "ritar..."

ignore     = \override NoteColumn.ignore-collision = ##t

%% Strings

svib           = \markup \small "s. vib."
pvib           = \markup \small "p. vib."
mvib           = \markup \small "m. vib."
sulp           = \markup \small "s.p."
norm           = \markup \small "n."

quatre         = \markup \teeny "IV"

%% Shifting Notes

shift      = \once \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = 0.9
shifta     = \once \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = 1.2
shiftb     = \once \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = 1.4

%% Hairpin

% aniente        = "a niente"
aniente        = \once \override Hairpin.circled-tip = ##t

%% Tuplets

tupletbp       = \once \override Staff.TupletBracket.padding = 2.25

%% Flag [Note Head - Stem]

noflag         = \once \override Flag.style = #'no-flag

%%% Functions

#(define-markup-command (colmark layout props args)
  (let ((entries (cons (list '(baseline-skip . 2.3)) props)
   (interpret-markup layout entries
     (map (lambda (arg)
	   (markup arg))
      (reverse args))))))

%%% Instruments

ViolinSolo = \relative c' {


  \set Score.rehearsalMarkFormatter           = #format-mark-box-numbers
  \override Score.VoltaBracket.font-family = #'sans
  \override Score.VoltaBracket.extra-offset   = #'(0 . 1)
  \override SpacingSpanner.uniform-stretching = ##t

  %% Measure 1
  \time 25/8
  \mark \default
  r2 ^\markup \colmark { \italic "fatigué" " " \bold "lentement"} r4 r r8
    { \shift d2 \glissando ^\markup \colmark { \quatre \dubetc \svib } \shifta e1 } \\
    { d2 \open \mf \< ~ \aniente d1  \! \> r4 r ^\markup \colmark { " " \fermata } \! }

  %% Measure 2
  \time 7/4
  \set Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta "1) n.      2) s.p."))
    { \shift d2 \glissando ^\markup \colmark { \quatre \udbetc } \shifta e1 } \\
    { d2 \open \mf \< ~ d1 \! \> ~ d4 ^\markup \colmark { " " \fermata } \! }
  \set Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta #f))

  %% Measure 3
  \time 15/4
    { \shift d2 \glissando ^\markup \colmark { \quatre \dubetc \pvib \norm } \shifta e1 \glissando d2 } \\
    { d2 \open \mf \< ~ d1 ~ 2 \ff  ~ d1 \> ~ d2 ^\markup \colmark { " " " " \svib } ~ d4 \pp}

  %% Measure 4
  \time 4/4
  \tuplet 3/2 { d4 ^\markup \colmark { \quatre \db \accel } d d }
  \tuplet 3/2 { d4 ^\markup \colmark { " " \db " " \sulp } d d }

  %% Measure 5
  \time 5/4
  \tupletbp \tuplet 3/2 { d8 \mf \< ^\markup \colmark { \quatre \db \norm } d _\open d }
  \tupletbp \tuplet 3/2 { d8 ^\markup \colmark { " " \db \sulp } d _\open d }
  \tupletbp \tuplet 3/2 { d16 ^\markup \colmark { " " \db \norm } d _\open d d d _\open d }
  d2 \ff ^\markup \colmark { " " \pvib } \>

  %% Measure 6
  \time 5/8
  \once \override Beam.grow-direction = #RIGHT  % \featherDurations 2/3
  { d16 \staccato
    [ d \staccato d \staccato d \staccato d \staccato d \staccato d \staccato d \staccato d \staccato d \staccato]

  %% Measure 7
  \time 7/4
  \tupletbp \tuplet 3/2 { d16 ^\markup \colmark { \quatre } d _\open d d d _\open d }
  \tupletbp \tuplet 3/2 { d8 ^\markup \colmark { " " \db } d _\open d }
  \tupletbp \tuplet 3/2 { d8 ^\markup \colmark { " " \db " " \sulp } d _\open d }
  \tuplet 3/2 { d4 ^\markup \colmark { \quatre \db \ritar \norm } d d }
  \tuplet 3/2 { d4 ^\markup \colmark { " " \db " " \sulp } d d \ppp ~ }

  %% Measure 8
  d4 ^\markup \colmark { " " " " \pvib \norm }
  deh2 d dih \<

  %% Measure 9
    { \shift d2 \glissando ^\markup \colmark { \quatre } \shifta e1 } \\
    { d2 \open ~ d1  ^\markup \colmark { " " " " \mvib } }
  \breathe r4 \!


%%% Score

\score {

    \relative c' <<
      \new Staff \ViolinSolo

    \hide Score.Rest
    \set Score.measureBarType = ""

  \layout  {
    indent       = 0.0
    \context {
      \remove "Time_signature_engraver"
    \context {
      \remove "Bar_number_engraver"

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