> That being said, I feel compelled to clarify something. While I > completely acknowledge that many people may find the Nashville > Number System unhelpful, I’ve also encountered many who, like me, > find it incredibly useful. [...]
Thank you for the many images that accompany your suggestion, this is helpful. However, they clearly show that you are actually barking up the wrong tree: the images coming with your original e-mail do *not* show the Nashville Number System at all but rather the Chinese Jianpu system! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Numbered_musical_notation This is already covered with an issue: https://gitlab.com/lilypond/lilypond/-/issues/3332 Additionally, there exists an add-on implementation for it in LilyPond that seems to work quite well for simple cases (see attached example) but not covering the polyphonal case shown in your last image. https://github.com/nybbs2003/lilypond-Jianpu/blob/master/jianpu10a.ly To summarize: It makes sense to file a feature request for the Nashville Numbering System, but to do that you have to find better – and correct – samples. Werner
\version "2.19.40" \include "jianpu10a.ly" \include "deutsch.ly" #(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f) #(set-global-staff-size 15) \header { copyright = "" footer = "" tagline = "" } \layout { indent = 0 line-width = 150\mm \context { \Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver" } } music = \relative c'' { \override Glissando.springs-and-rods = #ly:spanner::set-spacing-rods \override Glissando.minimum-length = #3 \numericTimeSignature \key g \major \partial 2 r8. e16( d e c h) | a2 a8.( h16) g8 g16( a) | h4.( d8) e( d) e16( d) e( g) | \break d8.(\glissando h16) d8 d16(\glissando h) a8( e')\trill d16 e g,( a) | h4.( d8) a16.-. h32 d16 g e a, h d | g,2 g'8 e16( g) h8 h16 a | \break g8.( e16) g16. a32( h16) h a8 g16. g32( e16) g( a h) | d,2( \grace { h'16\glissando } d16[) r h( d]) e( d) e( g) | \hideNotes \grace { h,16\glissando } \unHideNotes d8.(\trill \glissando h16) d d8 g16 e8-. e-. d16 e d d | } << \new JianpuStaff \jianpuMusic \music \new Staff \music >> % eof