Carl Sorensen <> writes: > On Wed, Nov 6, 2024 at 6:30 AM David Kastrup <> wrote: > > Which people know the best programming practices?
> You, Harm, Werner? I'm certainly not part of that group. For the kind of user interface programming that provides reasonably simple access to plugging things together, it probably boils down to me and wrestling partners like Dan. Harm is kind of downstream in that he profits quite a bit from the stratification of the language in working with the backend (I am not all that versed in getting the backend to do my begging), but the kind of user interface toolbox that solves input transformation problems and some streamlined connections into the deep bowels like grob-transformer: I am afraid that this kind of stuff leaves far too much low-hanging fruit mainly in my backyard. I was somewhat flabberghasted by the mentioned thread because the other poster steadfastly calls `grob-transformer` "syntactical sugar" into ly:grob-basic-properties , declaring that it contains just 11 lines of code of which 4 are probably relevant. He does not count the comment lines among the code, he does not factor in that the workhorse for filtering through the grob properties is separated in a different function, and he considers creating a self-cognizant closure that extracts the requested items in numerous backend contexts and callbacks trivial because it is done in fewer lines of code than the comments sketching the concept take. It is nice that `grob-transformer` renders the task comparatively straightforward and easy to do. The problem with considering it a trivial piece of convenience then is that you are less incline to actually use it. -- David Kastrup