On Sat, 2024-08-03 at 20:52 +0200, Johannes Feulner wrote:
> Hi there,
> I would like to join the development team. Please set permissions on 
> gitlab for me (jofeu, @jofeux) so that I could upload dev branches.

Done, welcome! Please note though that uploading dev branches to
https://gitlab.com/lilypond/lilypond/ is not strictly necessary, you
can just push branches to your fork and open merge requests from there.
(In fact, that's how I work all the time because I find it "cleaner".)

> I have ready a fix for issue #6202 including a regtest. And I plan on 
> providing more fixes, we have developed for our scorio platform.

Great. If you are familiar with git, please proceed to open a first
merge request and get yourself familiar with the development process 😉

> If anyone could volunteer as a mentor for me, I'd definitely appreciate it.

I personally can't commit to mentoring contributors right now, but so
far it has always worked to ask (developer) questions on lilypond-


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  • Joining the develop... Johannes Feulner
    • Re: Joining th... Jonas Hahnfeld via Discussions on LilyPond development

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