On 2024-04-19 13:53, Jason Yip wrote:
On 2024-04-19 12:51, Colin Campbell - cpkc.music(a)shaw.ca wrote:
I see that developers have branches on gitlab, showing asĀ  > origin/dev//username/; I gather that this is The Way It's DoneĀ®, but I can't find direction in CG as to how to create such a branch. Is it as simple as, e.g. git push -u origin dev/cpkc/ottava?
During my time in last summer's GSoC, Carl (as my mentor) discussed with everyone whether dev/ branches should still be used, or personal repository forks were performed.
It seems that most developers were on board with the latter option, but I'm not sure if that's still the preferred way or not since the end of my GSoC project as I haven't been as active. See https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-devel/2023-05/msg00054.html

Rereading that thread, now I understand that this debate of whether to use personal branches in upstream vs. a personal GitLab repository fork was more intended for my case where my PR would only be ready in months in the future--that preference doesn't necessarily apply in cases where the PR would be trivial/ready to go very soon. So I'm still not sure about whether most of everyone agrees on this or that in these cases.

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