Hey all,
I am trying to add articulations to my music braille generator. As
stated before, I am using the event listening system proposed by the
"event-listener.ly" example.
Browsing through the documentation, I found the music property
articulations on
where the description suggests that it contains the articulations for
this note. However, it looks like this list is always empty.
I tried to get the property value of that event when the event is
broadcasted, and also in the finalize stage of the staff, but in both
cases, the property is an empty list.
What I want to achieve is that I can attach an articulation to a note,
even though currently in the event system they are broadcasted at a
different stage. I suspect that simply have the identical voice context
plus 'moment should be enough to combine them, but having all the
articulations to a note as a property on that note event would save me a
bit of time.
- Music property arti... Maurits Lamers via Discussions on LilyPond development