Hi Aaron,
That is a great suggestion. Thanks a lot!
I have been playing around with it and noticed that in order to keep the
order of the generated braille identical to the Lilypond code, I would
need to also override the top-level-score-handler, and possibly others
to keep track of the order of the top level elements. Is that something
that could possibly cause issues in the future?
One additional question: I would like to keep the newlines, as that will
keep the braille close to what is printed in the PDF. The solution I
came up with is
#(set! (markup-function-as-string-method line-markup)
(lambda (layout props markup)
(string-append (string-trim-both (markup->string markup)
char-set:whitespace) "\n")
I would like to know whether such a solution is acceptable, or whether
there is a better way to achieve the same.
What I did notice: with the example you gave earlier, I keep getting a
space at the beginning of the second line. I tried to use the
string-trim-both function to get rid of it, but for unclear reasons that
space doesn't get removed.
Op 01-04-2024 om 16:15 schreef Aaron Hill:
On 2024-04-01 3:47 am, Maurits Lamers via Discussions on LilyPond
development wrote:
Hey all,
I also asked this question on the lilypond-user mailing list, but I
gather it is a rather complex question for that list. As you might be
aware, I have been working on a braille extension for Lilypond which
(based on the music info extraction example) renders Lilypond scores
into music braille.
While the listener system works great for extracting musical
information, it doesn't provide any methods to extract text inserted
outside of the music context.
In my specific case, I am trying to convert a songbook, which has the
format of printing one verse of a song with the music notation, and
with the remainder of the song text as \markup text blocks below the
Is there any way that I could extract this text in order to include
it with the generated braille? The preferred solution should be as
transparent as the listener system is for the musical information.
Thanks in advance!
Easiest option would probably be to tie into the `toplevel-text-handler`:
\version "2.25.13"
#(let ((original-proc toplevel-text-handler))
(set! toplevel-text-handler (lambda (markup)
(format #t "~a\n" (markup->string markup))
(original-proc markup))))
\markup \column {
\line { \bold { Lorem ipsum } dolor sit amet, }
\line { \italic consectetur adipiscing elit. }
-- Aaron Hill