Am Sa., 17. Feb. 2024 um 18:47 Uhr schrieb Thomas Morley
> Hi,
> please consider the following code:
> \version "2.25.13"
> \paper {
>   print-first-page-number = ##t
>   bookpart-level-page-numbering = ##t
> }
> \book {
>   \bookpart { \markuplist \table-of-contents }
>   \bookpart {
>     \paper { page-number-type = #'roman-upper }
>     \tocItem \markup "Text"
>     \markup { Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. }
>   }
>   \bookpart {
>     \tocItem \markup "Music"
>     { b }
>   }
> }
> Imho, there are two issues here
> a) the intern links of the toc are all not working correctly, more
> precisely, they all point to page 1 of the resulting pdf.
> b) I'd prefer if the toc would print the page-number as formated in
> the bookparts, i.e. for "Text" as roman capital.
> `bookpart-level-page-numbering' was implemented with
> commit 4e2ebc31eb79319c6914fe5e5c1836d5e873d3ee
> Author: Jean Abou Samra <>
> Date:   Tue Aug 9 10:23:37 2022 +0200
>     Add bookpart-level-page-numbering paper variable
>     If bookpart-level-page-numbering is set to #t, bookparts have
>     independent sequences of page numbers.  This can be useful if
>     publishing a set of instrumental parts that are joint in a single
>     book, perhaps with a common introduction, but intended to be used
>     separately. Furthermore, setting this variable only for the first
>     bookpart in conjunction with page-number-type can be used to number
>     pages in the introductory material with separate numbering and in
>     roman numbers, which is common practice.
>     Fixes #6396
> If I understand correctly (and my cc-knowledge is more or less zero)
> the change in overrides the real page-number, meaning
> \with-link only sees the new value.
> I found no workaround...
> How about implementing some logic like current-page-number vs
> internal-page-number like we have with currentBarNumber and
> internalBarNumber?
> The page-number in toc could then be printed as current-page-number
> but point to internal-page-number.
> Thanks,
>   Harm
> P.S. I didn't write about formating the toc (the second point above),
> worth another thread...

I've created two issues:


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