Hi Ben,

It looks like both MacPorts and Homebrew (linked from 
https://lilypond.org/download.html) have LilyPond working with ARM Macs (which 
is what an M1 Mac would be) so if you already use either of those it should be 
quite easy to add LilyPond.

If you haven’t used either package manager before they do have some differences 
but none are likely to be so big that it would make much of a difference for a 
new user. I personally use (on an Intel Mac) MacPorts and like it better 
because they seem to focus more on stability while if staying on the 
bleeding-edge is more your preference then Homebrew might be better.

Hope that helps!


On Wed, Mar 1, 2023 at 17:28, Ben <b...@eulogia.ch> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> Thanks for the list.
> I would be interested in a version of lilypond natively for Apple processors.
> I work with a mac M1 and if someone explains me the procedure for the 
> compilation, I can gladly compile this version myself.
> Greetings,
> Ben

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