On Wed, Feb 8, 2023 at 11:09 AM Jonas Hahnfeld via Discussions on LilyPond
development <lilypond-devel@gnu.org> wrote:

> On Wed, 2023-02-01 at 22:39 +0100, Jonas Hahnfeld via Discussions on
> LilyPond development wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > after the situation with Debian seems to be resolved (guile-2.2 and
> > lilypond-2.24.0 are in unstable and they should get into bookworm), I
> > would like to come back to the plan of releasing LilyPond 2.24.1 as a
> > bugfix version.
> >
> > I just backported the last outstanding merge requests that I had marked
> > as such and some other chore work; in total we are 34 commits past
> > v2.24.0, addressing 12 issues, see the branch for details. If there is
> > anything I missed or a critical issue that must be addressed before the
> > next release, please let me know.
> >
> > Otherwise, I plan to build the binaries on Thursday, February 9th, or
> > Friday the 10th, with the final release foreseen for Sunday the 12th.
> I didn't hear objections on this, so I plan to go ahead with the
> release towards the end of the week.

Sounds great!

> The draft release announcement text is:
> ---
> We are proud to announce the release of GNU LilyPond 2.24.1. LilyPond
> is a music engraving program devoted to producing the highest-quality
> sheet music possible. It brings the aesthetics of traditionally
> engraved music to computer printouts.
> This version includes a number of fixes since the release of the
> previous stable version in December 2022, and we recommend all users to
> update. Scores converted to or written for 2.24.0 will continue to work
> with this release. A list of added features and other user-visible
> changes for 2.24 can be found at
> https://lilypond.org/doc/v2.24/Documentation/changes/. Among others,
> version 2.24.0 switched to Guile 2.2 and features a completely
> rewritten infrastructure for creating the official packages, finally
> allowing us to offer 64-bit binaries for macOS and Windows.
> These pre-built binaries are linked from
> https://lilypond.org/download.html and available from GitLab:
> https://gitlab.com/lilypond/lilypond/-/releases/v2.24.1 Please note
> that there is a known issue on Windows where compiling very large
> scores (several hundreds of pages) can result in crashes. We hope to
> address this in a future bugfix release.
> ---
> I'm leaning towards leaving out the contributors this time - the text
> is already quite long because I wanted to mention that scores from
> 2.24.0 continue to work and re-iterate on the new binaries. That said,
> I'm open to being convinced otherwise. And any other feedback.

I agree with your plans.  And your announcement is great.



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