On Sun, 5 Feb 2023 at 13:09, Jonas Hahnfeld via Discussions on
LilyPond development <lilypond-devel@gnu.org> wrote:
> Any workaround we introduce will have to be removed at some point.
> When? 5 years after the last system goes EOL sounds like a reasonable
> time, don't you think? So yes, in my opinion "must not".

Workarounds don't have to be removed just because the software has
reached a certain magic age.

> > The problem could also be in the used clang versions, which are
> > probably used on non-macOS platforms, too.
> ... which is also 5 years old, so the same rationale applies.

I think it's premature to preemptively object to all potential
solutions. Maybe let's see if Dan has a suggestion.


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