Jean Abou Samra <> writes:

> Hi David,
> As written privately, please try to write from your address that
> is subscribed to this list ( or to subscribe this
> one. Otherwise, each of your messages needs to be manually approved
> by Mark or me and doesn't reach the list before this.

Oh, I'm very sorry about that! (Though I don't think I saw your private
message.)  I ususally subscribe to public lists with a different address
and have set up to automatically post with that address.  But forgot I
hadn't used that address when I subscribed to lilypond lists.  Hopefully
I've fixed that.

>> But when I go to the Merge Requests page there is no "New Merge
>> Request" button as the gitlab docs say there should be.
> For me, there is ... See the screenshot attached.

Not for me.  See my attached screenshot.

I did notice in tiny letters at the very bottom of the page there's a
link that says "Email new merge request to this project".   I guess
that's what I need to use.

>> What am I missing??
> The fork step. You cannot push to the main repository while you
> don't have commit access, so you need to fork it, making a copy
> of it into your own GitLab namespace (
> You can then create a merge request from a branch on your fork
> to the master branch from the main repository.
> When you get commit access, you can push your branches directly
> to the main repository instead of your fork, but I would still
> recommend the fork, and this is what I do myself.

Ah, I did indeed miss that!  Thanks for the pointer.  I should be good
to go now!


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