Hi again, > It's not clear to me what exactly the output should look like. > Please show an image or some pseudo notation.
Sorry. Snippet below includes the kind of extra work I generally [believe I] need to do. Thanks, Kieren. %%% SNIPPET BEGINS \version "2.23.14" global = { %% v1 \key c \major s1*4 \bar "||" %% v2 \key d \major s1*4 \bar "|." } globalA = { %% v1 \key c \major s1*4 \bar "||" } globalB = { %% v2 \key d \major s1*4 \bar "|." } %% NOTE: %% All instrument music is written in absolute mode and concert pitch. flute = { %% v1 e''4 d'' c'' d'' e''4 4 2 d''4 4 2 e''4 g''4 2 %% v2 R1*4 } \addQuote "flute" \flute altosax = { %% v1 R1*4 %% v2 fis''4 e'' d'' e'' fis''4 4 2 e''4 4 2 fis''4 a''4 2 } \addQuote "altosax" \altosax %% WIND PLAYER’S COMBINED MUSIC %% yes, I know they can’t switch instruments this fast... ;) windplayer = { %% v1 <>^\markup "Flute" \quoteDuring "flute" { s1*4 } %% v2 <>^\markup "Alto Sax" \quoteDuring "altosax" { s1*4 } } %% SCORE (CONCERT PITCH) %% This is easy: just use the stitched “quoted” parts. \score { \new Staff = "wind doubler" \new Voice << \global \windplayer >> } %% PART (TRANSPOSED) %% What’s the least amount of work required %% to make this transposed part, with correct key signature? \score { \new Staff = "wind doubler" \new Voice << \global \windplayer >> } %% PART (TRANSPOSED): EXAMPLE %% WIND PLAYER’S COMBINED MUSIC, TRANSPOSED \addQuote "altosax_transposed" \transpose c es, \altosax windplayer_transposed = { %% v1 <>^\markup "Flute" \quoteDuring "flute" { s1*4 } %% v2 <>^\markup "Alto Sax" \quoteDuring "altosax_transposed" { s1*4 } } %% SCORE WITH EXPLICITLY TRANSPOSED GLOBAL BITS \score { \new Staff = "wind doubler" \new Voice << { \globalA \transpose c es, \globalB } \windplayer_transposed >> } %%% SNIPPET ENDS > > > Werner