> Well, somehow I failed to make the obvious test: this also triggers > the issue: > > \version "2.25.0" > > \markup \override #'(font-name . "Noto Sans Bold") "ABC" > > > > Does that reproduce it for you (after installing the Noto fonts if > not already installed)? >
`lilypond -dshow-available-fonts` shows me, among many other Noto fonts, ``` family Noto Sans Noto Sans:style=Bold ``` Compiling with `lilypond --verbose` now shows ``` ... Using `nederlands' note names...[zzzz.ly] [noto_sans_bold_3.8662109375] Finding the ideal number of pages... [lilypond_serif_3.8662109375] CFF name for font C059-Roman is the same. Fitting music on 1 page... Drawing systems... Initializing embedded CFF font list. Embedding CFF font `C059-Roman'. [/home/wl/.fonts/urw-fonts/C059-Roman.otf] [/usr/share/fonts/truetype/NotoSans-Bold.ttf] ... ``` and I see 'ABC' in the output. This is with FontConfig 2.14.1 (FontConfig 2.13.1 gives exactly the same match and pattern results); I've attached the output from `FC_DEBUG=1 lilypond --silent`. Werner
FC_DEBUG=1 Match Pattern has 34 elts (size 48) family: "Noto Sans"(s) "Arial"(w) "Albany AMT"(w) "Verdana"(w) "Roboto"(w) "Noto Kufi Arabic"(w) "Noto Naskh Arabic"(w) "Noto Sans"(w) "Noto Sans Armenian"(w) "Noto Sans Avestan"(w) "Noto Sans Balinese"(w) "Noto Sans Bamum"(w) "Noto Sans Batak"(w) "Noto Sans Bengali"(w) "Noto Sans Brahmi"(w) "Noto Sans Buginese"(w) "Noto Sans Buhid"(w) "Noto Sans Canadian Aboriginal"(w) "Noto Sans Carian"(w) "Noto Sans Cherokee"(w) "Noto Sans Coptic"(w) "Noto Sans Cypriot"(w) "Noto Sans Deseret"(w) "Noto Sans Devanagari"(w) "Noto Sans Egyptian Hieroglyphs"(w) "Noto Sans Ethiopic"(w) "Noto Sans Georgian"(w) "Noto Sans Glagolitic"(w) "Noto Sans Gothic"(w) "Noto Sans Gujarati"(w) "Noto Sans Gurmukhi"(w) "Noto Sans Hanunoo"(w) "Noto Sans Hebrew"(w) "Noto Sans Imperial Aramaic"(w) "Noto Sans Inscriptional Pahlavi"(w) "Noto Sans Inscriptional Parthian"(w) "Noto Sans JP"(w) "Noto Sans Javanese"(w) "Noto Sans Kaithi"(w) "Noto Sans Kannada"(w) "Noto Sans Kayah Li"(w) "Noto Sans Kharoshthi"(w) "Noto Sans KR"(w) "Noto Sans Lao"(w) "Noto Sans Lepcha"(w) "Noto Sans Limbu"(w) "Noto Sans Linear B"(w) "Noto Sans Lisu"(w) "Noto Sans Lycian"(w) "Noto Sans Lydian"(w) "Noto Sans Malayalam"(w) "Noto Sans Mandaic"(w) "Noto Sans Meetei Mayek"(w) "Noto Sans Mongolian"(w) "Noto Sans Myanmar"(w) "Noto Sans New Tai Lue"(w) "Noto Sans NKo"(w) "Noto Sans Ogham"(w) "Noto Sans Old Italic"(w) "Noto Sans Old Persian"(w) "Noto Sans Old South Arabian"(w) "Noto Sans Old Turkic"(w) "Noto Sans Ol Chiki"(w) "Noto Sans Osmanya"(w) "Noto Sans Phags-pa"(w) "Noto Sans Phoenician"(w) "Noto Sans Rejang"(w) "Noto Sans Runic"(w) "Noto Sans Samaritan"(w) "Noto Sans Saurashtra"(w) "Noto Sans Shavian"(w) "Noto Sans Sinhala"(w) "Noto Sans Sumero-Akkadian Cuneiform"(w) "Noto Sans Sundanese"(w) "Noto Sans Syloti Nagri"(w) "Noto Sans Symbols"(w) "Noto Sans Syriac Eastern"(w) "Noto Sans Syriac Estrangela"(w) "Noto Sans Syriac Western"(w) "Noto Sans SC"(w) "Noto Sans Tagalog"(w) "Noto Sans Tagbanwa"(w) "Noto Sans Tai Le"(w) "Noto Sans Tai Tham"(w) "Noto Sans Tai Viet"(w) "Noto Sans Tamil"(w) "Noto Sans Telugu"(w) "Noto Sans Thai"(w) "Noto Sans Tifinagh"(w) "Noto Sans TC"(w) "Noto Sans Ugaritic"(w) "Noto Sans Vai"(w) "Noto Sans Yi"(w) "Liberation Sans"(w) "Droid Sans"(w) "Arimo"(w) "Cantarell"(w) "SUSE Sans"(w) "Bitstream Vera Sans"(w) "Nimbus Sans L"(w) "Luxi Sans"(w) "Mukti Narrow"(w) "KacstBook"(w) "Nachlieli CLM"(w) "Helvetica"(w) "Khmer OS System"(w) "Lohit Punjabi"(w) "Lohit Oriya"(w) "Pothana2000"(w) "TSCu_Paranar"(w) "BPG Glaho"(w) "Terafik"(w) "FreeSans"(w) "Meiryo"(w) "MS PGothic"(w) "MS Gothic"(w) "HGPGothicB"(w) "HGGothicB"(w) "IPAPGothic"(w) "IPAGothic"(w) "IPAexGothic"(w) "VL PGothic"(w) "VL Gothic"(w) "Sazanami Gothic"(w) "Kochi Gothic"(w) "CMEXSong"(w) "FZSongTi"(w) "WenQuanYi Micro Hei"(w) "WenQuanYi WenQuanYi Bitmap Song"(w) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(w) "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni"(w) "FZMingTiB"(w) "AR PL SungtiL GB"(w) "AR PL Mingti2L Big5"(w) "NanumGothic"(w) "UnDotum"(w) "Baekmuk Gulim"(w) "Baekmuk Dotum"(w) "Noto Sans"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "Verdana"(w) "Arial"(w) "Albany AMT"(w) "Luxi Sans"(w) "Nimbus Sans L"(w) "Nimbus Sans"(w) "Helvetica"(w) "Lucida Sans Unicode"(w) "BPG Glaho International"(w) "Tahoma"(w) "Nachlieli"(w) "Lucida Sans Unicode"(w) "Yudit Unicode"(w) "Kerkis"(w) "ArmNet Helvetica"(w) "Artsounk"(w) "BPG UTF8 M"(w) "Waree"(w) "Loma"(w) "Garuda"(w) "Umpush"(w) "Saysettha Unicode"(w) "JG Lao Old Arial"(w) "GF Zemen Unicode"(w) "Pigiarniq"(w) "B Davat"(w) "B Compset"(w) "Kacst-Qr"(w) "Urdu Nastaliq Unicode"(w) "Raghindi"(w) "Mukti Narrow"(w) "malayalam"(w) "Sampige"(w) "padmaa"(w) "Hapax Berbère"(w) "MS Gothic"(w) "UmePlus P Gothic"(w) "Microsoft YaHei"(w) "Microsoft JhengHei"(w) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(w) "WenQuanYi Bitmap Song"(w) "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni"(w) "AR PL New Sung"(w) "MgOpen Modata"(w) "VL Gothic"(w) "IPAMonaGothic"(w) "IPAGothic"(w) "Sazanami Gothic"(w) "Kochi Gothic"(w) "AR PL KaitiM GB"(w) "AR PL KaitiM Big5"(w) "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni"(w) "AR PL SungtiL GB"(w) "AR PL Mingti2L Big5"(w) "MS ゴシック"(w) "ZYSong18030"(w) "TSCu_Paranar"(w) "NanumGothic"(w) "UnDotum"(w) "Baekmuk Dotum"(w) "Baekmuk Gulim"(w) "KacstQura"(w) "Lohit Bengali"(w) "Lohit Gujarati"(w) "Lohit Hindi"(w) "Lohit Marathi"(w) "Lohit Maithili"(w) "Lohit Kashmiri"(w) "Lohit Konkani"(w) "Lohit Nepali"(w) "Lohit Sindhi"(w) "Lohit Punjabi"(w) "Lohit Tamil"(w) "Meera"(w) "Lohit Malayalam"(w) "Lohit Kannada"(w) "Lohit Telugu"(w) "Lohit Oriya"(w) "LKLUG"(w) "FreeSans"(w) "Arial Unicode MS"(w) "Arial Unicode"(w) "Code2000"(w) "Code2001"(w) "sans-serif"(w) "Roya"(w) "Koodak"(w) "Terafik"(w) familylang: "en"(s) "en-us"(w) stylelang: "en"(s) "en-us"(w) fullnamelang: "en"(s) "en-us"(w) slant: 0(i)(s) weight: 200(f)(s) width: 100(i)(s) size: 3.86619(f)(s) pixelsize: 64.4365(f)(s) antialias: True(w) hintstyle: 1(i)(w) hinting: True(s) verticallayout: False(s) autohint: False(s) globaladvance: True(s) dpi: 1200(f)(w) rgba: 1(i)(w) 1(i)(w) lang: "en-us"(s) "en"(w) fontversion: 2147483647(i)(s) embeddedbitmap: True(s) decorative: False(s) lcdfilter: 1(i)(w) 1(i)(w) namelang: "en"(s) prgname: "lilypond"(s) symbol: False(s) variable: DontCare(s) order: 0(i)(s) force_hintstyle: "hintslight"(w) force_autohint: False(w) force_bw: False(w) force_bw_monospace: False(w) search_metric_aliases: True(w) user_preference_list: False(w) pangoversion: 15004(i)(s) Sort Pattern has 34 elts (size 48) family: "Noto Sans"(s) "Arial"(w) "Albany AMT"(w) "Verdana"(w) "Roboto"(w) "Noto Kufi Arabic"(w) "Noto Naskh Arabic"(w) "Noto Sans"(w) "Noto Sans Armenian"(w) "Noto Sans Avestan"(w) "Noto Sans Balinese"(w) "Noto Sans Bamum"(w) "Noto Sans Batak"(w) "Noto Sans Bengali"(w) "Noto Sans Brahmi"(w) "Noto Sans Buginese"(w) "Noto Sans Buhid"(w) "Noto Sans Canadian Aboriginal"(w) "Noto Sans Carian"(w) "Noto Sans Cherokee"(w) "Noto Sans Coptic"(w) "Noto Sans Cypriot"(w) "Noto Sans Deseret"(w) "Noto Sans Devanagari"(w) "Noto Sans Egyptian Hieroglyphs"(w) "Noto Sans Ethiopic"(w) "Noto Sans Georgian"(w) "Noto Sans Glagolitic"(w) "Noto Sans Gothic"(w) "Noto Sans Gujarati"(w) "Noto Sans Gurmukhi"(w) "Noto Sans Hanunoo"(w) "Noto Sans Hebrew"(w) "Noto Sans Imperial Aramaic"(w) "Noto Sans Inscriptional Pahlavi"(w) "Noto Sans Inscriptional Parthian"(w) "Noto Sans JP"(w) "Noto Sans Javanese"(w) "Noto Sans Kaithi"(w) "Noto Sans Kannada"(w) "Noto Sans Kayah Li"(w) "Noto Sans Kharoshthi"(w) "Noto Sans KR"(w) "Noto Sans Lao"(w) "Noto Sans Lepcha"(w) "Noto Sans Limbu"(w) "Noto Sans Linear B"(w) "Noto Sans Lisu"(w) "Noto Sans Lycian"(w) "Noto Sans Lydian"(w) "Noto Sans Malayalam"(w) "Noto Sans Mandaic"(w) "Noto Sans Meetei Mayek"(w) "Noto Sans Mongolian"(w) "Noto Sans Myanmar"(w) "Noto Sans New Tai Lue"(w) "Noto Sans NKo"(w) "Noto Sans Ogham"(w) "Noto Sans Old Italic"(w) "Noto Sans Old Persian"(w) "Noto Sans Old South Arabian"(w) "Noto Sans Old Turkic"(w) "Noto Sans Ol Chiki"(w) "Noto Sans Osmanya"(w) "Noto Sans Phags-pa"(w) "Noto Sans Phoenician"(w) "Noto Sans Rejang"(w) "Noto Sans Runic"(w) "Noto Sans Samaritan"(w) "Noto Sans Saurashtra"(w) "Noto Sans Shavian"(w) "Noto Sans Sinhala"(w) "Noto Sans Sumero-Akkadian Cuneiform"(w) "Noto Sans Sundanese"(w) "Noto Sans Syloti Nagri"(w) "Noto Sans Symbols"(w) "Noto Sans Syriac Eastern"(w) "Noto Sans Syriac Estrangela"(w) "Noto Sans Syriac Western"(w) "Noto Sans SC"(w) "Noto Sans Tagalog"(w) "Noto Sans Tagbanwa"(w) "Noto Sans Tai Le"(w) "Noto Sans Tai Tham"(w) "Noto Sans Tai Viet"(w) "Noto Sans Tamil"(w) "Noto Sans Telugu"(w) "Noto Sans Thai"(w) "Noto Sans Tifinagh"(w) "Noto Sans TC"(w) "Noto Sans Ugaritic"(w) "Noto Sans Vai"(w) "Noto Sans Yi"(w) "Liberation Sans"(w) "Droid Sans"(w) "Arimo"(w) "Cantarell"(w) "SUSE Sans"(w) "Bitstream Vera Sans"(w) "Nimbus Sans L"(w) "Luxi Sans"(w) "Mukti Narrow"(w) "KacstBook"(w) "Nachlieli CLM"(w) "Helvetica"(w) "Khmer OS System"(w) "Lohit Punjabi"(w) "Lohit Oriya"(w) "Pothana2000"(w) "TSCu_Paranar"(w) "BPG Glaho"(w) "Terafik"(w) "FreeSans"(w) "Meiryo"(w) "MS PGothic"(w) "MS Gothic"(w) "HGPGothicB"(w) "HGGothicB"(w) "IPAPGothic"(w) "IPAGothic"(w) "IPAexGothic"(w) "VL PGothic"(w) "VL Gothic"(w) "Sazanami Gothic"(w) "Kochi Gothic"(w) "CMEXSong"(w) "FZSongTi"(w) "WenQuanYi Micro Hei"(w) "WenQuanYi WenQuanYi Bitmap Song"(w) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(w) "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni"(w) "FZMingTiB"(w) "AR PL SungtiL GB"(w) "AR PL Mingti2L Big5"(w) "NanumGothic"(w) "UnDotum"(w) "Baekmuk Gulim"(w) "Baekmuk Dotum"(w) "Noto Sans"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "Verdana"(w) "Arial"(w) "Albany AMT"(w) "Luxi Sans"(w) "Nimbus Sans L"(w) "Nimbus Sans"(w) "Helvetica"(w) "Lucida Sans Unicode"(w) "BPG Glaho International"(w) "Tahoma"(w) "Nachlieli"(w) "Lucida Sans Unicode"(w) "Yudit Unicode"(w) "Kerkis"(w) "ArmNet Helvetica"(w) "Artsounk"(w) "BPG UTF8 M"(w) "Waree"(w) "Loma"(w) "Garuda"(w) "Umpush"(w) "Saysettha Unicode"(w) "JG Lao Old Arial"(w) "GF Zemen Unicode"(w) "Pigiarniq"(w) "B Davat"(w) "B Compset"(w) "Kacst-Qr"(w) "Urdu Nastaliq Unicode"(w) "Raghindi"(w) "Mukti Narrow"(w) "malayalam"(w) "Sampige"(w) "padmaa"(w) "Hapax Berbère"(w) "MS Gothic"(w) "UmePlus P Gothic"(w) "Microsoft YaHei"(w) "Microsoft JhengHei"(w) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(w) "WenQuanYi Bitmap Song"(w) "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni"(w) "AR PL New Sung"(w) "MgOpen Modata"(w) "VL Gothic"(w) "IPAMonaGothic"(w) "IPAGothic"(w) "Sazanami Gothic"(w) "Kochi Gothic"(w) "AR PL KaitiM GB"(w) "AR PL KaitiM Big5"(w) "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni"(w) "AR PL SungtiL GB"(w) "AR PL Mingti2L Big5"(w) "MS ゴシック"(w) "ZYSong18030"(w) "TSCu_Paranar"(w) "NanumGothic"(w) "UnDotum"(w) "Baekmuk Dotum"(w) "Baekmuk Gulim"(w) "KacstQura"(w) "Lohit Bengali"(w) "Lohit Gujarati"(w) "Lohit Hindi"(w) "Lohit Marathi"(w) "Lohit Maithili"(w) "Lohit Kashmiri"(w) "Lohit Konkani"(w) "Lohit Nepali"(w) "Lohit Sindhi"(w) "Lohit Punjabi"(w) "Lohit Tamil"(w) "Meera"(w) "Lohit Malayalam"(w) "Lohit Kannada"(w) "Lohit Telugu"(w) "Lohit Oriya"(w) "LKLUG"(w) "FreeSans"(w) "Arial Unicode MS"(w) "Arial Unicode"(w) "Code2000"(w) "Code2001"(w) "sans-serif"(w) "Roya"(w) "Koodak"(w) "Terafik"(w) familylang: "en"(s) "en-us"(w) stylelang: "en"(s) "en-us"(w) fullnamelang: "en"(s) "en-us"(w) slant: 0(i)(s) weight: 200(f)(s) width: 100(i)(s) size: 3.86619(f)(s) pixelsize: 64.4365(f)(s) antialias: True(w) hintstyle: 1(i)(w) hinting: True(s) verticallayout: False(s) autohint: False(s) globaladvance: True(s) dpi: 1200(f)(w) rgba: 1(i)(w) 1(i)(w) lang: "en-us"(s) "en"(w) fontversion: 2147483647(i)(s) embeddedbitmap: True(s) decorative: False(s) lcdfilter: 1(i)(w) 1(i)(w) namelang: "en"(s) prgname: "lilypond"(s) symbol: False(s) variable: DontCare(s) order: 0(i)(s) force_hintstyle: "hintslight"(w) force_autohint: False(w) force_bw: False(w) force_bw_monospace: False(w) search_metric_aliases: True(w) user_preference_list: False(w) pangoversion: 15004(i)(s) Best score 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.14735e+12 Pattern has 26 elts (size 32) family: "Noto Sans"(s) familylang: "en"(w) style: "Bold"(s) stylelang: "en"(w) fullname: "Noto Sans Bold"(w) fullnamelang: "en"(w) slant: 0(i)(s) weight: 200(f)(s) width: 100(f)(s) foundry: "GOOG"(s) file: "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/NotoSans-Bold.ttf"(s) index: 0(i)(w) outline: True(s) scalable: True(s) charset: 0000: 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff 7fffffff 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 0001: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 0002: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 0003: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fcffffff ffffd7f0 fffffffb ffffffff ffff0003 0004: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 0005: ffffffff 0000ffff 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 001a: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 7fff0000 00000000 00000000 001c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 000001ff 00000000 00000000 00000000 001d: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff f83fffff 001e: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 001f: 3f3fffff ffffffff aaff3f3f 3fffffff ffffffff ffdfffff efcfffdf 7fdcffff 0020: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fff3ffdf 1fff7fff ffffffff 00000000 00010000 0021: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00000000 00000210 00000000 00000000 00000000 002c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 ffffffff 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 002d: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ffffffff 002e: ffffffff ffffffff 0000001f 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00a6: 00000000 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00000000 00000000 00000000 00a7: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00ff7fff 00000000 ff800000 00a9: 00000000 00004000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00ab: 00000000 ffff0000 ffffffff 0000003f 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00fb: 0000007f 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00fe: 00000001 0000ffff 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 80000000 00ff: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 30000000 (s) lang: aa|ab|af|ast|av|ay|az-az|ba|bm|be|bg|bi|bin|br|bs|bua|ca|ce|ch|chm|co|cs|cu|cv|cy|da|de|el|en|eo|es|et|eu|fi|fj|fo|fr|ff|fur|fy|ga|gd|gl|gn|gv|ha|haw|ho|hr|hu|ia|ig|id|ie|ik|io|is|it|kaa|ki|kk|kl|ku-am|kum|kv|kw|ky|la|lb|lez|ln|lt|lv|mg|mh|mi|mk|mo|mt|nb|nds|nl|nn|no|nr|nso|ny|oc|om|os|pl|pt|rm|ro|ru|sah|sco|se|sel|sh|shs|sk|sl|sm|sma|smj|smn|sms|so|sq|sr|ss|st|sv|sw|tg|tk|tl|tn|to|tr|ts|tt|tw|tyv|uk|uz|ve|vi|vo|vot|wa|wen|wo|xh|yap|yo|zu|ak|an|ber-dz|crh|csb|ee|fat|fil|hsb|ht|hz|jv|kab|kj|kr|ku-tr|kwm|lg|li|mn-mn|ms|na|ng|nv|pap-an|pap-aw|qu|quz|rn|rw|sc|sg|sn|su|ty|za(s) fontversion: 131072(i)(w) capability: "otlayout:DFLT otlayout:cyrl otlayout:grek otlayout:latn"(w) fontformat: "TrueType"(s) decorative: False(s) postscriptname: "NotoSans-Bold"(s) color: False(s) symbol: False(s) variable: False(s) fonthashint: True(s) order: 0(i)(s) First font Pattern has 26 elts (size 26) family: "Noto Sans"(w) familylang: "en"(w) style: "Bold"(w) stylelang: "en"(w) fullname: "Noto Sans Bold"(w) fullnamelang: "en"(w) slant: 0(i)(w) weight: 200(f)(w) width: 100(f)(w) foundry: "GOOG"(w) file: "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/NotoSans-Bold.ttf"(w) index: 0(i)(w) outline: True(w) scalable: True(w) charset: 0000: 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff 7fffffff 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 0001: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 0002: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 0003: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fcffffff ffffd7f0 fffffffb ffffffff ffff0003 0004: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 0005: ffffffff 0000ffff 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 001a: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 7fff0000 00000000 00000000 001c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 000001ff 00000000 00000000 00000000 001d: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff f83fffff 001e: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 001f: 3f3fffff ffffffff aaff3f3f 3fffffff ffffffff ffdfffff efcfffdf 7fdcffff 0020: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fff3ffdf 1fff7fff ffffffff 00000000 00010000 0021: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00000000 00000210 00000000 00000000 00000000 002c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 ffffffff 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 002d: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ffffffff 002e: ffffffff ffffffff 0000001f 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00a6: 00000000 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00000000 00000000 00000000 00a7: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00ff7fff 00000000 ff800000 00a9: 00000000 00004000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00ab: 00000000 ffff0000 ffffffff 0000003f 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00fb: 0000007f 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00fe: 00000001 0000ffff 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 80000000 00ff: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 30000000 (w) lang: aa|ab|af|ast|av|ay|az-az|ba|bm|be|bg|bi|bin|br|bs|bua|ca|ce|ch|chm|co|cs|cu|cv|cy|da|de|el|en|eo|es|et|eu|fi|fj|fo|fr|ff|fur|fy|ga|gd|gl|gn|gv|ha|haw|ho|hr|hu|ia|ig|id|ie|ik|io|is|it|kaa|ki|kk|kl|ku-am|kum|kv|kw|ky|la|lb|lez|ln|lt|lv|mg|mh|mi|mk|mo|mt|nb|nds|nl|nn|no|nr|nso|ny|oc|om|os|pl|pt|rm|ro|ru|sah|sco|se|sel|sh|shs|sk|sl|sm|sma|smj|smn|sms|so|sq|sr|ss|st|sv|sw|tg|tk|tl|tn|to|tr|ts|tt|tw|tyv|uk|uz|ve|vi|vo|vot|wa|wen|wo|xh|yap|yo|zu|ak|an|ber-dz|crh|csb|ee|fat|fil|hsb|ht|hz|jv|kab|kj|kr|ku-tr|kwm|lg|li|mn-mn|ms|na|ng|nv|pap-an|pap-aw|qu|quz|rn|rw|sc|sg|sn|su|ty|za(w) fontversion: 131072(i)(w) capability: "otlayout:DFLT otlayout:cyrl otlayout:grek otlayout:latn"(w) fontformat: "TrueType"(w) decorative: False(w) postscriptname: "NotoSans-Bold"(w) color: False(w) symbol: False(w) variable: False(w) fonthashint: True(w) order: 0(i)(w) Match Pattern has 34 elts (size 48) family: "C059"(s) "Century SchoolBook URW"(s) "Century Schoolbook L"(s) "TeX Gyre Schola"(s) "DejaVu Serif"(s) "Noto Serif CJK JP"(s) "Noto Serif JP"(s) "LilyPond Serif"(s) "Times New Roman"(w) "Thorndale AMT"(w) "Roboto Slab"(w) "Noto Serif"(w) "Noto Serif Armenian"(w) "Noto Serif Georgian"(w) "Noto Serif Khmer"(w) "Noto Serif Lao"(w) "Noto Serif Thai"(w) "Liberation Serif"(w) "DejaVu Serif"(w) "Droid Serif"(w) "Tinos"(w) "SUSE Serif"(w) "Bitstream Vera Serif"(w) "Nimbus Roman No9 L"(w) "Luxi Serif"(w) "Likhan"(w) "KacstBook"(w) "Frank Ruehl CLM"(w) "Times"(w) "Khmer OS System"(w) "Lohit Punjabi"(w) "Lohit Oriya"(w) "Pothana2000"(w) "TSCu_Times"(w) "BPG Chveulebrivi"(w) "Nazli"(w) "FreeSerif"(w) "MS PMincho"(w) "MS Mincho"(w) "HGPMinchoL"(w) "HGMinchoL"(w) "IPAPMincho"(w) "IPAMincho"(w) "IPAexMincho"(w) "Sazanami Mincho"(w) "Kochi Mincho"(w) "CMEXSong"(w) "FZSongTi"(w) "WenQuanYi Micro Hei"(w) "WenQuanYi WenQuanYi Bitmap Song"(w) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(w) "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni"(w) "FZMingTiB"(w) "AR PL SungtiL GB"(w) "AR PL Mingti2L Big5"(w) "NanumMyeongjo"(w) "UnBatang"(w) "Baekmuk Batang"(w) "SimSun"(w) "HanyiSong"(w) "ZYSong18030"(w) "STIXGeneral"(w) "Noto Serif"(w) "DejaVu Serif"(w) "Times New Roman"(w) "Thorndale AMT"(w) "Luxi Serif"(w) "Nimbus Roman No9 L"(w) "Nimbus Roman"(w) "Times"(w) "STIXGeneral"(w) "Artsounk"(w) "BPG UTF8 M"(w) "Kinnari"(w) "Norasi"(w) "Frank Ruehl"(w) "Dror"(w) "JG LaoTimes"(w) "Saysettha Unicode"(w) "Pigiarniq"(w) "B Davat"(w) "B Compset"(w) "Kacst-Qr"(w) "Urdu Nastaliq Unicode"(w) "Raghindi"(w) "Mukti Narrow"(w) "malayalam"(w) "Sampige"(w) "padmaa"(w) "Hapax Berbère"(w) "MS Mincho"(w) "SimSun"(w) "PMingLiu"(w) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(w) "WenQuanYi Bitmap Song"(w) "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni"(w) "AR PL New Sung"(w) "ZYSong18030"(w) "HanyiSong"(w) "MgOpen Canonica"(w) "Sazanami Mincho"(w) "IPAMonaMincho"(w) "IPAMincho"(w) "Kochi Mincho"(w) "AR PL SungtiL GB"(w) "AR PL Mingti2L Big5"(w) "AR PL Zenkai Uni"(w) "MS 明朝"(w) "ZYSong18030"(w) "NanumMyeongjo"(w) "UnBatang"(w) "Baekmuk Batang"(w) "KacstQura"(w) "Frank Ruehl CLM"(w) "Lohit Bengali"(w) "Lohit Gujarati"(w) "Lohit Hindi"(w) "Lohit Marathi"(w) "Lohit Maithili"(w) "Lohit Kashmiri"(w) "Lohit Konkani"(w) "Lohit Nepali"(w) "Lohit Sindhi"(w) "Lohit Punjabi"(w) "Lohit Tamil"(w) "Rachana"(w) "Lohit Malayalam"(w) "Lohit Kannada"(w) "Lohit Telugu"(w) "Lohit Oriya"(w) "LKLUG"(w) "FreeSerif"(w) "Code2000"(w) "Code2001"(w) "serif"(s) "Nazli"(w) "Lotoos"(w) "Mitra"(w) "Ferdosi"(w) "Badr"(w) "Zar"(w) "New Century Schoolbook"(w) "Century Schoolbook"(w) "TeX Gyre Schola"(w) "New Century Schoolbook"(w) "New Century Schoolbook"(w) "New Century Schoolbook"(w) "serif"(w) "serif"(w) "serif"(w) familylang: "en"(s) "en-us"(w) stylelang: "en"(s) "en-us"(w) fullnamelang: "en"(s) "en-us"(w) slant: 0(i)(s) weight: 80(f)(s) width: 100(i)(s) size: 3.86619(f)(s) pixelsize: 64.4365(f)(s) antialias: True(w) hintstyle: 1(i)(w) hinting: True(s) verticallayout: False(s) autohint: False(s) globaladvance: True(s) dpi: 1200(f)(w) rgba: 1(i)(w) 1(i)(w) lang: "en-us"(s) "en"(w) fontversion: 2147483647(i)(s) embeddedbitmap: True(s) decorative: False(s) lcdfilter: 1(i)(w) 1(i)(w) namelang: "en"(s) prgname: "lilypond"(s) symbol: False(s) variable: DontCare(s) order: 0(i)(s) force_hintstyle: "hintslight"(w) force_autohint: False(w) force_bw: False(w) force_bw_monospace: False(w) search_metric_aliases: True(w) user_preference_list: False(w) pangoversion: 15004(i)(s) Sort Pattern has 34 elts (size 48) family: "C059"(s) "Century SchoolBook URW"(s) "Century Schoolbook L"(s) "TeX Gyre Schola"(s) "DejaVu Serif"(s) "Noto Serif CJK JP"(s) "Noto Serif JP"(s) "LilyPond Serif"(s) "Times New Roman"(w) "Thorndale AMT"(w) "Roboto Slab"(w) "Noto Serif"(w) "Noto Serif Armenian"(w) "Noto Serif Georgian"(w) "Noto Serif Khmer"(w) "Noto Serif Lao"(w) "Noto Serif Thai"(w) "Liberation Serif"(w) "DejaVu Serif"(w) "Droid Serif"(w) "Tinos"(w) "SUSE Serif"(w) "Bitstream Vera Serif"(w) "Nimbus Roman No9 L"(w) "Luxi Serif"(w) "Likhan"(w) "KacstBook"(w) "Frank Ruehl CLM"(w) "Times"(w) "Khmer OS System"(w) "Lohit Punjabi"(w) "Lohit Oriya"(w) "Pothana2000"(w) "TSCu_Times"(w) "BPG Chveulebrivi"(w) "Nazli"(w) "FreeSerif"(w) "MS PMincho"(w) "MS Mincho"(w) "HGPMinchoL"(w) "HGMinchoL"(w) "IPAPMincho"(w) "IPAMincho"(w) "IPAexMincho"(w) "Sazanami Mincho"(w) "Kochi Mincho"(w) "CMEXSong"(w) "FZSongTi"(w) "WenQuanYi Micro Hei"(w) "WenQuanYi WenQuanYi Bitmap Song"(w) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(w) "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni"(w) "FZMingTiB"(w) "AR PL SungtiL GB"(w) "AR PL Mingti2L Big5"(w) "NanumMyeongjo"(w) "UnBatang"(w) "Baekmuk Batang"(w) "SimSun"(w) "HanyiSong"(w) "ZYSong18030"(w) "STIXGeneral"(w) "Noto Serif"(w) "DejaVu Serif"(w) "Times New Roman"(w) "Thorndale AMT"(w) "Luxi Serif"(w) "Nimbus Roman No9 L"(w) "Nimbus Roman"(w) "Times"(w) "STIXGeneral"(w) "Artsounk"(w) "BPG UTF8 M"(w) "Kinnari"(w) "Norasi"(w) "Frank Ruehl"(w) "Dror"(w) "JG LaoTimes"(w) "Saysettha Unicode"(w) "Pigiarniq"(w) "B Davat"(w) "B Compset"(w) "Kacst-Qr"(w) "Urdu Nastaliq Unicode"(w) "Raghindi"(w) "Mukti Narrow"(w) "malayalam"(w) "Sampige"(w) "padmaa"(w) "Hapax Berbère"(w) "MS Mincho"(w) "SimSun"(w) "PMingLiu"(w) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(w) "WenQuanYi Bitmap Song"(w) "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni"(w) "AR PL New Sung"(w) "ZYSong18030"(w) "HanyiSong"(w) "MgOpen Canonica"(w) "Sazanami Mincho"(w) "IPAMonaMincho"(w) "IPAMincho"(w) "Kochi Mincho"(w) "AR PL SungtiL GB"(w) "AR PL Mingti2L Big5"(w) "AR PL Zenkai Uni"(w) "MS 明朝"(w) "ZYSong18030"(w) "NanumMyeongjo"(w) "UnBatang"(w) "Baekmuk Batang"(w) "KacstQura"(w) "Frank Ruehl CLM"(w) "Lohit Bengali"(w) "Lohit Gujarati"(w) "Lohit Hindi"(w) "Lohit Marathi"(w) "Lohit Maithili"(w) "Lohit Kashmiri"(w) "Lohit Konkani"(w) "Lohit Nepali"(w) "Lohit Sindhi"(w) "Lohit Punjabi"(w) "Lohit Tamil"(w) "Rachana"(w) "Lohit Malayalam"(w) "Lohit Kannada"(w) "Lohit Telugu"(w) "Lohit Oriya"(w) "LKLUG"(w) "FreeSerif"(w) "Code2000"(w) "Code2001"(w) "serif"(s) "Nazli"(w) "Lotoos"(w) "Mitra"(w) "Ferdosi"(w) "Badr"(w) "Zar"(w) "New Century Schoolbook"(w) "Century Schoolbook"(w) "TeX Gyre Schola"(w) "New Century Schoolbook"(w) "New Century Schoolbook"(w) "New Century Schoolbook"(w) "serif"(w) "serif"(w) "serif"(w) familylang: "en"(s) "en-us"(w) stylelang: "en"(s) "en-us"(w) fullnamelang: "en"(s) "en-us"(w) slant: 0(i)(s) weight: 80(f)(s) width: 100(i)(s) size: 3.86619(f)(s) pixelsize: 64.4365(f)(s) antialias: True(w) hintstyle: 1(i)(w) hinting: True(s) verticallayout: False(s) autohint: False(s) globaladvance: True(s) dpi: 1200(f)(w) rgba: 1(i)(w) 1(i)(w) lang: "en-us"(s) "en"(w) fontversion: 2147483647(i)(s) embeddedbitmap: True(s) decorative: False(s) lcdfilter: 1(i)(w) 1(i)(w) namelang: "en"(s) prgname: "lilypond"(s) symbol: False(s) variable: DontCare(s) order: 0(i)(s) force_hintstyle: "hintslight"(w) force_autohint: False(w) force_bw: False(w) force_bw_monospace: False(w) search_metric_aliases: True(w) user_preference_list: False(w) pangoversion: 15004(i)(s) Best score 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 1e+99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.14742e+12 Pattern has 26 elts (size 32) family: "C059"(s) familylang: "en"(w) style: "Roman"(s) stylelang: "en"(w) fullname: "C059-Roman"(w) "C059 Roman"(w) fullnamelang: "en"(w) "en"(w) slant: 0(i)(s) weight: 80(f)(s) width: 100(f)(s) foundry: "UKWN"(s) file: "/home/wl/.fonts/urw-fonts/C059-Roman.otf"(s) index: 0(i)(w) outline: True(s) scalable: True(s) charset: 0000: 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff 7fffffff 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 0001: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00040000 00000000 00000000 fc000000 0002: 0f000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 3f0002c0 00000000 0003: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ffffd7f0 fffffffb 00627fff 00000000 0004: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 003c000c 3fcf0000 0fcfcc0f 03009801 0000c30c 001e: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000003f 00000000 00000000 000c0000 0020: 7fb80004 560d0047 00000010 83f10000 00000000 00009098 20000000 00000000 0021: 514e8020 00e0e145 78000000 00000000 03ff0000 00200100 003f0050 00000000 0022: e6aeabed 00b04fa9 00000120 00000c37 03e000fc 0800003c 00000000 00000000 0023: 00010004 00000603 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0025: 11111005 10101010 ffff0000 0001ffff 000f1111 96241c03 03008cd8 00000040 0026: 00000000 1c000000 00000005 00000c69 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0030: 0c000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00ef: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 80000000 ffffffff fc001fff 00fb: 0000001f 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 (s) lang: aa|af|av|ay|ba|be|bg|bi|br|bs|bua|ca|ce|ch|co|cs|cy|da|de|el|en|eo|es|et|eu|fi|fj|fo|fr|fur|fy|gd|gl|gv|ho|hr|hu|ia|id|ie|ik|io|is|it|kaa|ki|kk|kl|kum|ky|la|lb|lez|lt|lv|mg|mh|mk|mo|mt|nb|nds|nl|nn|no|nr|nso|ny|oc|om|os|pl|pt|rm|ro|ru|se|sel|sh|sk|sl|sma|smj|smn|so|sq|sr|ss|st|sv|sw|tg|tk|tl|tn|tr|ts|tt|tyv|uk|uz|vo|vot|wa|wen|wo|xh|yap|zu|an|crh|csb|fil|hsb|ht|jv|kj|ku-tr|kwm|lg|li|mn-mn|ms|na|ng|pap-an|pap-aw|rn|rw|sc|sg|sn|su|za(s) fontversion: 65536(i)(w) capability: "otlayout:DFLT otlayout:cyrl otlayout:grek otlayout:latn"(w) fontformat: "CFF"(s) decorative: False(s) postscriptname: "C059-Roman"(s) color: False(s) symbol: False(s) variable: False(s) fonthashint: False(s) order: 0(i)(s) Match Pattern has 34 elts (size 48) family: "C059"(s) "New Century Schoolbook"(w) "Century Schoolbook"(w) "TeX Gyre Schola"(w) "Arial"(w) "Albany AMT"(w) "Verdana"(w) "Roboto"(w) "Noto Kufi Arabic"(w) "Noto Naskh Arabic"(w) "Noto Sans"(w) "Noto Sans Armenian"(w) "Noto Sans Avestan"(w) "Noto Sans Balinese"(w) "Noto Sans Bamum"(w) "Noto Sans Batak"(w) "Noto Sans Bengali"(w) "Noto Sans Brahmi"(w) "Noto Sans Buginese"(w) "Noto Sans Buhid"(w) "Noto Sans Canadian Aboriginal"(w) "Noto Sans Carian"(w) "Noto Sans Cherokee"(w) "Noto Sans Coptic"(w) "Noto Sans Cypriot"(w) "Noto Sans Deseret"(w) "Noto Sans Devanagari"(w) "Noto Sans Egyptian Hieroglyphs"(w) "Noto Sans Ethiopic"(w) "Noto Sans Georgian"(w) "Noto Sans Glagolitic"(w) "Noto Sans Gothic"(w) "Noto Sans Gujarati"(w) "Noto Sans Gurmukhi"(w) "Noto Sans Hanunoo"(w) "Noto Sans Hebrew"(w) "Noto Sans Imperial Aramaic"(w) "Noto Sans Inscriptional Pahlavi"(w) "Noto Sans Inscriptional Parthian"(w) "Noto Sans JP"(w) "Noto Sans Javanese"(w) "Noto Sans Kaithi"(w) "Noto Sans Kannada"(w) "Noto Sans Kayah Li"(w) "Noto Sans Kharoshthi"(w) "Noto Sans KR"(w) "Noto Sans Lao"(w) "Noto Sans Lepcha"(w) "Noto Sans Limbu"(w) "Noto Sans Linear B"(w) "Noto Sans Lisu"(w) "Noto Sans Lycian"(w) "Noto Sans Lydian"(w) "Noto Sans Malayalam"(w) "Noto Sans Mandaic"(w) "Noto Sans Meetei Mayek"(w) "Noto Sans Mongolian"(w) "Noto Sans Myanmar"(w) "Noto Sans New Tai Lue"(w) "Noto Sans NKo"(w) "Noto Sans Ogham"(w) "Noto Sans Old Italic"(w) "Noto Sans Old Persian"(w) "Noto Sans Old South Arabian"(w) "Noto Sans Old Turkic"(w) "Noto Sans Ol Chiki"(w) "Noto Sans Osmanya"(w) "Noto Sans Phags-pa"(w) "Noto Sans Phoenician"(w) "Noto Sans Rejang"(w) "Noto Sans Runic"(w) "Noto Sans Samaritan"(w) "Noto Sans Saurashtra"(w) "Noto Sans Shavian"(w) "Noto Sans Sinhala"(w) "Noto Sans Sumero-Akkadian Cuneiform"(w) "Noto Sans Sundanese"(w) "Noto Sans Syloti Nagri"(w) "Noto Sans Symbols"(w) "Noto Sans Syriac Eastern"(w) "Noto Sans Syriac Estrangela"(w) "Noto Sans Syriac Western"(w) "Noto Sans SC"(w) "Noto Sans Tagalog"(w) "Noto Sans Tagbanwa"(w) "Noto Sans Tai Le"(w) "Noto Sans Tai Tham"(w) "Noto Sans Tai Viet"(w) "Noto Sans Tamil"(w) "Noto Sans Telugu"(w) "Noto Sans Thai"(w) "Noto Sans Tifinagh"(w) "Noto Sans TC"(w) "Noto Sans Ugaritic"(w) "Noto Sans Vai"(w) "Noto Sans Yi"(w) "Liberation Sans"(w) "Droid Sans"(w) "Arimo"(w) "Cantarell"(w) "SUSE Sans"(w) "Bitstream Vera Sans"(w) "Nimbus Sans L"(w) "Luxi Sans"(w) "Mukti Narrow"(w) "KacstBook"(w) "Nachlieli CLM"(w) "Helvetica"(w) "Khmer OS System"(w) "Lohit Punjabi"(w) "Lohit Oriya"(w) "Pothana2000"(w) "TSCu_Paranar"(w) "BPG Glaho"(w) "Terafik"(w) "FreeSans"(w) "Meiryo"(w) "MS PGothic"(w) "MS Gothic"(w) "HGPGothicB"(w) "HGGothicB"(w) "IPAPGothic"(w) "IPAGothic"(w) "IPAexGothic"(w) "VL PGothic"(w) "VL Gothic"(w) "Sazanami Gothic"(w) "Kochi Gothic"(w) "CMEXSong"(w) "FZSongTi"(w) "WenQuanYi Micro Hei"(w) "WenQuanYi WenQuanYi Bitmap Song"(w) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(w) "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni"(w) "FZMingTiB"(w) "AR PL SungtiL GB"(w) "AR PL Mingti2L Big5"(w) "NanumGothic"(w) "UnDotum"(w) "Baekmuk Gulim"(w) "Baekmuk Dotum"(w) "Noto Sans"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "Verdana"(w) "Arial"(w) "Albany AMT"(w) "Luxi Sans"(w) "Nimbus Sans L"(w) "Nimbus Sans"(w) "Helvetica"(w) "Lucida Sans Unicode"(w) "BPG Glaho International"(w) "Tahoma"(w) "Nachlieli"(w) "Lucida Sans Unicode"(w) "Yudit Unicode"(w) "Kerkis"(w) "ArmNet Helvetica"(w) "Artsounk"(w) "BPG UTF8 M"(w) "Waree"(w) "Loma"(w) "Garuda"(w) "Umpush"(w) "Saysettha Unicode"(w) "JG Lao Old Arial"(w) "GF Zemen Unicode"(w) "Pigiarniq"(w) "B Davat"(w) "B Compset"(w) "Kacst-Qr"(w) "Urdu Nastaliq Unicode"(w) "Raghindi"(w) "Mukti Narrow"(w) "malayalam"(w) "Sampige"(w) "padmaa"(w) "Hapax Berbère"(w) "MS Gothic"(w) "UmePlus P Gothic"(w) "Microsoft YaHei"(w) "Microsoft JhengHei"(w) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(w) "WenQuanYi Bitmap Song"(w) "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni"(w) "AR PL New Sung"(w) "MgOpen Modata"(w) "VL Gothic"(w) "IPAMonaGothic"(w) "IPAGothic"(w) "Sazanami Gothic"(w) "Kochi Gothic"(w) "AR PL KaitiM GB"(w) "AR PL KaitiM Big5"(w) "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni"(w) "AR PL SungtiL GB"(w) "AR PL Mingti2L Big5"(w) "MS ゴシック"(w) "ZYSong18030"(w) "TSCu_Paranar"(w) "NanumGothic"(w) "UnDotum"(w) "Baekmuk Dotum"(w) "Baekmuk Gulim"(w) "KacstQura"(w) "Lohit Bengali"(w) "Lohit Gujarati"(w) "Lohit Hindi"(w) "Lohit Marathi"(w) "Lohit Maithili"(w) "Lohit Kashmiri"(w) "Lohit Konkani"(w) "Lohit Nepali"(w) "Lohit Sindhi"(w) "Lohit Punjabi"(w) "Lohit Tamil"(w) "Meera"(w) "Lohit Malayalam"(w) "Lohit Kannada"(w) "Lohit Telugu"(w) "Lohit Oriya"(w) "LKLUG"(w) "FreeSans"(w) "Arial Unicode MS"(w) "Arial Unicode"(w) "Code2000"(w) "Code2001"(w) "sans-serif"(w) "Roya"(w) "Koodak"(w) "Terafik"(w) familylang: "en"(s) "en-us"(w) stylelang: "en"(s) "en-us"(w) fullnamelang: "en"(s) "en-us"(w) slant: 0(i)(s) weight: 80(f)(s) width: 100(i)(s) size: 3.86619(f)(s) pixelsize: 64.4365(f)(s) antialias: True(w) hintstyle: 1(i)(w) hinting: True(s) verticallayout: False(s) autohint: False(s) globaladvance: True(s) dpi: 1200(f)(w) rgba: 1(i)(w) 1(i)(w) lang: "en-us"(s) "en"(w) fontversion: 2147483647(i)(s) embeddedbitmap: True(s) decorative: False(s) lcdfilter: 1(i)(w) 1(i)(w) namelang: "en"(s) prgname: "lilypond"(s) symbol: False(s) variable: DontCare(s) order: 0(i)(s) force_hintstyle: "hintslight"(w) force_autohint: False(w) force_bw: False(w) force_bw_monospace: False(w) search_metric_aliases: True(w) user_preference_list: False(w) pangoversion: 15004(i)(s) First font Pattern has 26 elts (size 26) family: "C059"(w) familylang: "en"(w) style: "Roman"(w) stylelang: "en"(w) fullname: "C059-Roman"(w)Sort Pattern has 34 elts (size 48) family:"C059 Roman" "C059"(s) "New Century Schoolbook"(w)(w) "Century Schoolbook"(w) "TeX Gyre Schola"(w) "Arial"(w) "Albany AMT"(w) "Verdana" fullnamelang:(w) "Roboto""en"(w) "en"(w)(w) "Noto Kufi Arabic" slant:(w) 0(i)(w) weight: 80(f)(w) width: 100(f)(w) foundry: "UKWN"(w) file: "/home/wl/.fonts/urw-fonts/C059-Roman.otf"(w) index: 0(i)(w) outline: True(w) scalable: True(w) charset: 0000: 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff 7fffffff 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff"Noto Naskh Arabic" (w) "Noto Sans"(w) "Noto Sans Armenian"(w) "Noto Sans Avestan"(w) "Noto Sans Balinese"(w) "Noto Sans Bamum"(w) "Noto Sans Batak"(w) "Noto Sans Bengali"(w) "Noto Sans Brahmi"(w) "Noto Sans Buginese"(w) "Noto Sans Buhid"(w) "Noto Sans Canadian Aboriginal"(w) "Noto Sans Carian"(w) "Noto Sans Cherokee"(w) "Noto Sans Coptic"(w) "Noto Sans Cypriot"(w) "Noto Sans Deseret"(w) "Noto Sans Devanagari"(w) "Noto Sans Egyptian Hieroglyphs"(w) "Noto Sans Ethiopic"(w) "Noto Sans Georgian"(w) "Noto Sans Glagolitic"(w) "Noto Sans Gothic"(w) "Noto Sans Gujarati"(w) "Noto Sans Gurmukhi"(w) "Noto Sans Hanunoo"(w) "Noto Sans Hebrew"(w) "Noto Sans Imperial Aramaic"(w) "Noto Sans Inscriptional Pahlavi"(w) "Noto Sans Inscriptional Parthian"(w) "Noto Sans JP"(w) "Noto Sans Javanese"(w) "Noto Sans Kaithi"(w) "Noto Sans Kannada"(w) "Noto Sans Kayah Li"(w) "Noto Sans Kharoshthi"(w) "Noto Sans KR"(w) "Noto Sans Lao"(w) "Noto Sans Lepcha"(w) "Noto Sans Limbu"(w) "Noto Sans Linear B"(w) "Noto Sans Lisu"(w) "Noto Sans Lycian"(w) "Noto Sans Lydian"(w) "Noto Sans Malayalam"(w) "Noto Sans Mandaic"(w) "Noto Sans Meetei Mayek"(w) "Noto Sans Mongolian"(w) "Noto Sans Myanmar"(w) "Noto Sans New Tai Lue"(w) "Noto Sans NKo"(w) "Noto Sans Ogham"(w) "Noto Sans Old Italic"(w) "Noto Sans Old Persian"(w) "Noto Sans Old South Arabian"(w) "Noto Sans Old Turkic"(w) "Noto Sans Ol Chiki"(w) "Noto Sans Osmanya"(w) "Noto Sans Phags-pa"(w) "Noto Sans Phoenician"(w) "Noto Sans Rejang"(w) "Noto Sans Runic"(w) "Noto Sans Samaritan"(w) "Noto Sans Saurashtra"(w) "Noto Sans Shavian"(w) "Noto Sans Sinhala"(w) "Noto Sans Sumero-Akkadian Cuneiform"(w) "Noto Sans Sundanese"(w) "Noto Sans Syloti Nagri"(w) "Noto Sans Symbols"(w) "Noto Sans Syriac Eastern"(w) "Noto Sans Syriac Estrangela"(w) "Noto Sans Syriac Western"(w) "Noto Sans SC"(w) "Noto Sans Tagalog"(w) "Noto Sans Tagbanwa"(w) "Noto Sans Tai Le"(w) "Noto Sans Tai Tham"(w) "Noto Sans Tai Viet"(w) "Noto Sans Tamil"(w) "Noto Sans Telugu"(w) "Noto Sans Thai"(w) "Noto Sans Tifinagh"(w) "Noto Sans TC"(w) "Noto Sans Ugaritic"(w) "Noto Sans Vai"(w) "Noto Sans Yi"(w) "Liberation Sans"(w) "Droid Sans"(w) "Arimo"(w) "Cantarell"(w) "SUSE Sans"(w) "Bitstream Vera Sans"(w) "Nimbus Sans L"(w) "Luxi Sans"(w) "Mukti Narrow"(w) "KacstBook"(w) "Nachlieli CLM"(w) "Helvetica"(w) "Khmer OS System"(w) "Lohit Punjabi"(w) "Lohit Oriya"(w) "Pothana2000"(w) "TSCu_Paranar"(w) "BPG Glaho"(w) "Terafik"(w) "FreeSans"(w) "Meiryo"(w) "MS PGothic"(w) "MS Gothic"(w) "HGPGothicB"(w) "HGGothicB"(w) "IPAPGothic"(w) "IPAGothic"(w) "IPAexGothic"(w) "VL PGothic"(w) "VL Gothic"(w) "Sazanami Gothic"(w) "Kochi Gothic"(w) "CMEXSong"(w) "FZSongTi"(w) "WenQuanYi Micro Hei"(w) "WenQuanYi WenQuanYi Bitmap Song"(w) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(w) "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni"(w) "FZMingTiB"(w) "AR PL SungtiL GB"(w) "AR PL Mingti2L Big5"(w) "NanumGothic"(w) "UnDotum"(w) "Baekmuk Gulim"(w) "Baekmuk Dotum"(w) "Noto Sans"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "Verdana"(w) "Arial"(w) "Albany AMT"(w) "Luxi Sans"(w) "Nimbus Sans L"(w) "Nimbus Sans"(w) "Helvetica"(w) "Lucida Sans Unicode"(w) "BPG Glaho International"(w) "Tahoma"(w) "Nachlieli"(w) "Lucida Sans Unicode"(w) "Yudit Unicode"(w) "Kerkis"(w) "ArmNet Helvetica"(w) "Artsounk"(w) "BPG UTF8 M"(w) "Waree"(w) "Loma"(w) "Garuda"(w) "Umpush"(w) "Saysettha Unicode"(w) "JG Lao Old Arial"(w) "GF Zemen Unicode"(w) "Pigiarniq"(w) "B Davat"(w) "B Compset"(w) "Kacst-Qr"(w) "Urdu Nastaliq Unicode"(w) "Raghindi"(w) "Mukti Narrow"(w) "malayalam"(w) "Sampige"(w) "padmaa"(w) "Hapax Berbère"(w) "MS Gothic"(w) "UmePlus P Gothic"(w) "Microsoft YaHei"(w) "Microsoft JhengHei"(w) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(w) "WenQuanYi Bitmap Song"(w) "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni"(w) "AR PL New Sung"(w) "MgOpen Modata"(w) "VL Gothic"(w) "IPAMonaGothic"(w) "IPAGothic"(w) "Sazanami Gothic"(w) "Kochi Gothic"(w) "AR PL KaitiM GB"(w) "AR PL KaitiM Big5"(w) "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni"(w) "AR PL SungtiL GB"(w) "AR PL Mingti2L Big5"(w) "MS ゴシック"(w) "ZYSong18030"(w) "TSCu_Paranar"(w) "NanumGothic"(w) "UnDotum"(w) "Baekmuk Dotum"(w) "Baekmuk Gulim"(w) "KacstQura"(w) "Lohit Bengali"(w) "Lohit Gujarati"(w) "Lohit Hindi"(w) "Lohit Marathi"(w) "Lohit Maithili"(w) "Lohit Kashmiri"(w) "Lohit Konkani"(w) "Lohit Nepali"(w) "Lohit Sindhi"(w) "Lohit Punjabi"(w) "Lohit Tamil"(w) "Meera"(w) "Lohit Malayalam"(w) "Lohit Kannada"(w) "Lohit Telugu"(w) "Lohit Oriya"(w) "LKLUG"(w) "FreeSans"(w) "Arial Unicode MS"(w) "Arial Unicode"(w) "Code2000"(w) "Code2001"(w) "sans-serif"(w) "Roya"(w) "Koodak"(w) "Terafik"(w) familylang: "en"(s) "en-us"(w) stylelang: "en"(s) "en-us"(w) fullnamelang: "en"(s) "en-us"(w) slant: 0(i)(s) weight: 80(f)(s)0001: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00040000 00000000 00000000 fc000000 0002: 0f000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 3f0002c0 00000000 0003: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ffffd7f0 fffffffb 00627fff 00000000 0004: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 003c000c 3fcf0000 0fcfcc0f 03009801 0000c30c 001e: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000003f 00000000 00000000 000c0000 0020: 7fb80004 560d0047 00000010 83f10000 width: 100(i)(s) size: 3.86619(f)(s) pixelsize: 64.4365(f)(s) antialias: 00000000 00009098 20000000 00000000 0021: 514e8020 00e0e145True 78000000 00000000 03ff0000 00200100 003f0050 00000000 (w) hintstyle: 1(i)(w) hinting: True(s) verticallayout:0022: e6aeabed 00b04fa9 00000120 00000c37 03e000fc 0800003c 00000000False 00000000(s) autohint: False(s) globaladvance: True(s) dpi: 1200(f)(w) rgba: 1(i)(w) 1(i)(w) lang: "en-us"(s) "en"(w) fontversion: 2147483647(i)(s) embeddedbitmap: True(s) decorative: False (s) lcdfilter:0023: 00010004 00000603 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 000000001(i) 00000000(w) 1(i) (w) namelang: "en"(s) prgname: "lilypond"(s) symbol: False0025: 11111005 10101010 ffff0000 0001ffff 000f1111 96241c03(s) 03008cd8 00000040 0026: 00000000 1c000000 00000005 00000c69 variable: 00000000 DontCare(s) order: 0(i)(s) 00000000 00000000 force_hintstyle: 00000000 0030: 0c000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 "hintslight" 00000000(w) force_autohint: False(w) force_bw: False(w) force_bw_monospace: 00000000False 00000000(w) 00000000 00ef: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 80000000 search_metric_aliases: ffffffff fc001fff 00fb: 0000001f 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 (w) lang:True (w) user_preference_list: False(w) pangoversion: 15004(i)(s) aa|af|av|ay|ba|be|bg|bi|br|bs|bua|ca|ce|ch|co|cs|cy|da|de|el|en|eo|es|et|eu|fi|fj|fo|fr|fur|fy|gd|gl|gv|ho|hr|hu|ia|id|ie|ik|io|is|it|kaa|ki|kk|kl|kum|ky|la|lb|lez|lt|lv|mg|mh|mk|mo|mt|nb|nds|nl|nn|no|nr|nso|ny|oc|om|os|pl|pt|rm|ro|ru|se|sel|sh|sk|sl|sma|smj|smn|so|sq|sr|ss|st|sv|sw|tg|tk|tl|tn|tr|ts|tt|tyv|uk|uz|vo|vot|wa|wen|wo|xh|yap|zu|an|crh|csb|fil|hsb|ht|jv|kj|ku-tr|kwm|lg|li|mn-mn|ms|na|ng|pap-an|pap-aw|rn|rw|sc|sg|sn|su|za(w) fontversion: 65536(i)(w) capability: "otlayout:DFLT otlayout:cyrl otlayout:grek otlayout:latn"(w) fontformat: "CFF"(w) decorative: False(w) postscriptname: "C059-Roman"(w) color: False(w) symbol: False(w) variable: False(w) fonthashint: False(w) order: 0(i)(w) Best score 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 1e+99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.14742e+12 Pattern has 26 elts (size 32) family: "C059"(s) familylang: "en"(w) style: "Roman"(s) stylelang: "en"(w) fullname: "C059-Roman"(w) "C059 Roman"(w) fullnamelang: "en"(w) "en"(w) slant: 0(i)(s) weight: 80(f)(s) width: 100(f)(s) foundry: "UKWN"(s) file: "/home/wl/.fonts/urw-fonts/C059-Roman.otf"(s) index: 0(i)(w) outline: True(s) scalable: True(s) charset: 0000: 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff 7fffffff 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 0001: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00040000 00000000 00000000 fc000000 0002: 0f000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 3f0002c0 00000000 0003: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ffffd7f0 fffffffb 00627fff 00000000 0004: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 003c000c 3fcf0000 0fcfcc0f 03009801 0000c30c 001e: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000003f 00000000 00000000 000c0000 0020: 7fb80004 560d0047 00000010 83f10000 00000000 00009098 20000000 00000000 0021: 514e8020 00e0e145 78000000 00000000 03ff0000 00200100 003f0050 00000000 0022: e6aeabed 00b04fa9 00000120 00000c37 03e000fc 0800003c 00000000 00000000 0023: 00010004 00000603 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0025: 11111005 10101010 ffff0000 0001ffff 000f1111 96241c03 03008cd8 00000040 0026: 00000000 1c000000 00000005 00000c69 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0030: 0c000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00ef: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 80000000 ffffffff fc001fff 00fb: 0000001f 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 (s) lang: aa|af|av|ay|ba|be|bg|bi|br|bs|bua|ca|ce|ch|co|cs|cy|da|de|el|en|eo|es|et|eu|fi|fj|fo|fr|fur|fy|gd|gl|gv|ho|hr|hu|ia|id|ie|ik|io|is|it|kaa|ki|kk|kl|kum|ky|la|lb|lez|lt|lv|mg|mh|mk|mo|mt|nb|nds|nl|nn|no|nr|nso|ny|oc|om|os|pl|pt|rm|ro|ru|se|sel|sh|sk|sl|sma|smj|smn|so|sq|sr|ss|st|sv|sw|tg|tk|tl|tn|tr|ts|tt|tyv|uk|uz|vo|vot|wa|wen|wo|xh|yap|zu|an|crh|csb|fil|hsb|ht|jv|kj|ku-tr|kwm|lg|li|mn-mn|ms|na|ng|pap-an|pap-aw|rn|rw|sc|sg|sn|su|za(s) fontversion: 65536(i)(w) capability: "otlayout:DFLT otlayout:cyrl otlayout:grek otlayout:latn"(w) fontformat: "CFF"(s) decorative: False(s) postscriptname: "C059-Roman"(s) color: False(s) symbol: False(s) variable: False(s) fonthashint: False(s) order: 0(i)(s) First font Pattern has 26 elts (size 26) family: "C059"(w) familylang: "en"(w) style: "Roman"(w) stylelang: "en"(w) fullname: "C059-Roman"(w) "C059 Roman"(w) fullnamelang: "en"(w) "en"(w) slant: 0(i)(w) weight: 80(f)(w) width: 100(f)(w) foundry: "UKWN"(w) file: "/home/wl/.fonts/urw-fonts/C059-Roman.otf"(w) index: 0(i)(w) outline: True(w) scalable: True(w) charset: 0000: 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff 7fffffff 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 0001: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00040000 00000000 00000000 fc000000 0002: 0f000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 3f0002c0 00000000 0003: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ffffd7f0 fffffffb 00627fff 00000000 0004: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 003c000c 3fcf0000 0fcfcc0f 03009801 0000c30c 001e: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000003f 00000000 00000000 000c0000 0020: 7fb80004 560d0047 00000010 83f10000 00000000 00009098 20000000 00000000 0021: 514e8020 00e0e145 78000000 00000000 03ff0000 00200100 003f0050 00000000 0022: e6aeabed 00b04fa9 00000120 00000c37 03e000fc 0800003c 00000000 00000000 0023: 00010004 00000603 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0025: 11111005 10101010 ffff0000 0001ffff 000f1111 96241c03 03008cd8 00000040 0026: 00000000 1c000000 00000005 00000c69 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0030: 0c000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00ef: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 80000000 ffffffff fc001fff 00fb: 0000001f 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 (w) lang: aa|af|av|ay|ba|be|bg|bi|br|bs|bua|ca|ce|ch|co|cs|cy|da|de|el|en|eo|es|et|eu|fi|fj|fo|fr|fur|fy|gd|gl|gv|ho|hr|hu|ia|id|ie|ik|io|is|it|kaa|ki|kk|kl|kum|ky|la|lb|lez|lt|lv|mg|mh|mk|mo|mt|nb|nds|nl|nn|no|nr|nso|ny|oc|om|os|pl|pt|rm|ro|ru|se|sel|sh|sk|sl|sma|smj|smn|so|sq|sr|ss|st|sv|sw|tg|tk|tl|tn|tr|ts|tt|tyv|uk|uz|vo|vot|wa|wen|wo|xh|yap|zu|an|crh|csb|fil|hsb|ht|jv|kj|ku-tr|kwm|lg|li|mn-mn|ms|na|ng|pap-an|pap-aw|rn|rw|sc|sg|sn|su|za(w) fontversion: 65536(i)(w) capability: "otlayout:DFLT otlayout:cyrl otlayout:grek otlayout:latn"(w) fontformat: "CFF"(w) decorative: False(w) postscriptname: "C059-Roman"(w) color: False(w) symbol: False(w) variable: False(w) fonthashint: False(w) order: 0(i)(w)