> What is the state of this discussion?  Werner, what is your opinion
> on using LuaTeX exclusively now that this point has been cleared up?

For me, this is OK.  What I'm now working on are macros for
`configure.ac` to find a UTF-8 locale, which is important for the
documentation generation in the long run.  Alas, it is non-trivial to
write a portable solution, and I wasn't able to find something similar
in the internet and thus have to create such macros almost from
scratch, using snippets from 'gnulib' and 'gettext'.  This will
certainly take a while since it must be tested on many platforms.

Regarding !1714 I wonder whether I should temporarily use

export LANG

in file `make/generic-vars.make` (and updating all locale settings to
use `LILYPOND_LOCALE`) to make it easy to override the locale on the
command line if necessary until the abovementioned macros are ready.


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