
please consider below (originally for 2.20. _not_ converted):

\version "2.23.80"

\header {
  myTitle = "myTitle"
  myOtherTitle = \markup { \italic \fromproperty #'header:myTitle }
  title = $(markup->string myOtherTitle)

\markup { "TEST" }

A title is not printed.
Though, I'm at loss, am I doing something wrongly or is it a bug
(\fromproperty has an `as-string'-setting) or _should_ it not work?

In a private mail the user wondered why running convert-ly over old
code containing `markup->string' results in such a complex insertion:
2.20.0 code:
title = $(markup->string myOtherTitle)
becomes with 2.23.80:
title = $(
(lambda* (m #:optional headers)
  (if headers
      (markup->string m #:props (headers-property-alist-chain headers))
      (markup->string m)))

Alas, it doesn't work with the initial code above, still no title.

Thus, if it does not work either way, do we need the complex result of
convert-ly at all?


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