> With the start-afresh approach for lilypond-texi2html.init, it seems
> to me the first thing that would be needed is a regtest or Minimal
> Working Example of sorts: A concise texinfo file calling for each
> feature or function needing equivalent replication in the upgrade.
> Once the targeted version of texi2any is producing acceptable
> results from that file, then move on to testing on the full
> documentation.

I'm not sure this is worth the trouble.  The main reason is that we
have to take care of a *single instance only*, namely the LilyPond
documentation as shown at https://lilypond.org.  If something works
there, it's good enough.

However, what would be very helpful is to get Merge Request artifacts
(kind-of) for HTML documentation changes, too.  For example, the
artifacts could be a diff file filtered by a script to remove diff
noise, allowing to concentrate check the essential differences.


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