Thanks to all the lilypond devs for their hard work. I installed the new 
version this morning and set it off rebuilding all of my scores. Some 136 
scores and 1500+ parts later it is done. Only 2 failed to build and both 
because I had defined my own markup "\fine" for faking DC al fine / DS al fine 
that conflicts with the new official way to do this. I will update those 
scores. There's far too much here to visually inspect every page but all of the 
scores and parts I've looked through so far look really good.

Great job!


PS: These are all modern classical notation but range in age from 20 year old 
scores that have been gradually updated as lilypond has evolved to brand new 
scores that use the new segno repeats and other modern tricks. You can see 
samples at if you want (although I have yet to 
upload the newly built versions).

> On 22 Oct 2022, at 21:32, Jonas Hahnfeld via LilyPond user discussion 
> <> wrote:
> We are happy to announce the release of LilyPond 2.23.80. This is the
> first release candidate towards the next stable version 2.24.0 expected
> in December. Please test your scores with this version and report back
> the experience as well as any problems you encounter. Please refer to
> the Installing section in the Learning Manual for instructions how to
> set up the provided binaries:

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