> Touching the .go files is not allowed by flatpak.
> I tried this and got an error:
> find /app/lib/guile/2.2/ -name *.go -exec touch '{}' \;
> [...]
> touch: cannot touch '/app/lib/guile/2.2/ccache/web/uri.go': Permission 
> denied
> I'll have to find a solution when building the flatpak.

Yes, the built flatpak is read-only.

> Waiting for minutes or hours while CPU hits 100% is not an option.

I think it's not even going to work, there are some fundamental files
that Guile cannot recompile on the fly...

On Thu, 2022-10-13 at 00:29 +0200, Federico Bruni wrote:
> Il giorno mer 12 ott 2022 alle 23:59:32 +0200, Federico Bruni 
> <f...@inventati.org> ha scritto:
> > I'll have to find a solution when building the flatpak.
> > Waiting for minutes or hours while CPU hits 100% is not an option.
> For the records, another application using Guile (GNU Cash) had the 
> same problem with flatpak three years ago.
> Their workaround was disabling recompilation. Bad idea or good idea?
> https://github.com/flathub/org.gnucash.GnuCash/blob/master/patches/0001-Never-recompile.patch

Not really great. On the other hand, you only need a very targeted
installation and don't expect a fully functional Guile...

> Open issue which did not receive any feedback from flatpak developers:
> https://github.com/flatpak/flatpak/issues/3064

Yes, this would need proper addressing for use cases such as Guile
bytecode compilation.


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