I'm considering contributing to lilypond. The two features I propose are as follows.
1) An option to include rests in tablature (with \tabFullNotation). 2) An alternative tablature full notation style that more closely resembles standard notation note heads and stems. To my knowledge as of version 12.13.13 lilypond engraves tablature numbers for half notes as having two stems and half notes and whole notes without a circle. I propose an option for lilypond to engrave tablature numbers for half notes or half-note chords with a circle and a single stem instead of two stems. Whole notes and whole-note chords would be circled without a stem. In the case of multiple voices, the tablature numbers of each voice would be circled in the group of notes that share a stem. For example, this could be a set of voices that have half notes sharing a stem pointing up and an eighth note with a stem pointing down. Numbers corresponding half notes would be circled together with an upward stem from the edge of the circle, and the number corresponding to the eighth note would not be circled or otherwise changed. If a voice has a half note with stem pointing up and another voice has a half note with stem pointing down, then the two numbers would be circled separately, one with an upward stem starting at the edge of the first circle and another with a downward stem starting at the edge of the second circle. In scores I've seen with circled tablature numbers, collisions between numbers and circles are avoided by shifting numbers out of a straight vertical column, which I suspect is quite different than how tablature is currently handled internally and might require significant effort to implement, but that's just a guess. Are either of these features fit for future lilypond? Are either of these features currently present, and I've overlooked them? If so, would you like me to contribute documentation? I'm only familiar with a subset of C++ up to C++03. Would my lack of knowledge of modern C++ exclude me from being a contributor? I'm also not an expert on UB in C++, although I very much want to avoid it. Would that exclude me from being a contributor? If the project is interested in my contributions, we can discuss the first feature in more detail. I'd like to start with the first feature to get experience with the lilypond source. If all that goes well, then I'd consider specifying and working on the second feature.