On Mon, 2022-09-05 at 22:27 +0200, Jean Abou Samra wrote:
> Even though the Cairo backend is advertised as experimental, it is
> starting to get some use; see for example the message today on -user
> about a new OOoLilyPond release supporting it. This makes me wonder:
> now that the official binaries have Cairo, isn't it time to require
> it for the build and ditch --enable-cairo-backend so that everyone has
> it, including those who use distro packages? To be clear, this wouldn't
> be for 2.24, which is in build freeze mode, but we could do it in master
> after branching.

Sounds reasonable, would have proposed the same. Probably already
having it for 2.25.0 makes sense so that it's there "from the

> We're going to do it sooner or later in the 2.25 series
> anyway, as we eventually want Cairo to become the default.

"eventually" yes, but not sure if during 2.25 (to be released as 2.26)
is a good idea since moving away from the ps backend is quite a
significant change (which I've argued before, would warrant a major
version change aka 3.0).

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