Le 25/08/2022 à 00:32, Dan Eble a écrit :
I tried this:
@macro appendixBarLineDemo{BARTYPE}
\bar "\BARTYPE\" b4 \bar "\BARTYPE\" b4 \bar "\BARTYPE\"
@end lilypond
@end macro
but with \BARTYPE\ in the lilypond section, no staff appears in the PDF. I
guess I need some additional quoting — or unquoting. Is there a way to make
this work or am I stuck writing out the bar type 4 times per type?
There is no way this can work. The LilyPond output is produced by
lilypond-book, which just scans the .texi file for @lilypond sections
and replaces them with an @image of the output. It doesn't know
about macros (and teaching it about them is probably tricky).
Instead, try autogenerating the appendix without Texinfo macros. You coul
add infrastructure generating the Texinfo code (see
scm/document-outside-staff-priorities.scm for a simple example), but the
most straightforward solution is probably putting everything in the LilyPond
output image, like the list of special characters for example. Probably
along the lines of
\version "2.23.13"
\layout {
\context {
\remove Bar_number_engraver
\context {
\remove Time_signature_engraver
\remove Clef_engraver
\markuplist \override #'(baseline-skip . 15) \table #(make-list 4 CENTER)
(lambda (entry)
(let ((glyph (car entry)))
\markup \score {
% Change to \textMark when it's available
\tweak self-alignment-X #LEFT \mark \markup \typewriter
\concat { "\\bar \"" #glyph "\"" }
\bar #glyph
\bar #glyph
\bar #glyph
;; probably make bar-glyph-alist public if you do this
(reverse (@@ (lily) bar-glyph-alist)))