> Le 16 août 2022 à 22:16, Ian West <ian42w...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> I reset my laptop to abolish 'smart quotes' . Successful. But there must be
> other subtleties that are frustrating me.
If you have issues, please tell what they are, or we cannot do anything to help
you :-)
Have you tried setting up Frescobaldi as I recommended?
> Perhaps if I type the text with textedit, then copy and paste to feed it to
> Ly. Or just change the suffix from .txt to .ly?
> It has proved impossible to find a manual for version 2.20.0. What is it that
> I am doing wrong?
Take the 2.22 manual
and replace "2.22" in the URL with "2.20", giving
> I am inclined to think that, if Google cannot find it, then it does not
> exist. I do not know which would be better: use 2.18.x or 2.22.x?
In theory, 2.22.x, which is the latest stable version, but to my knowledge you
won’t find a macOS 64-bit download for it like the unofficial bundle of
LilyPond 2.20. You have to use either MacPorts or HomeBrew, which are package
managers for macOS. If you don’t know how to use the command line or what it
even is, this is not recommended. Instead, use 2.23, which while being a
development release series is quite stable currently, and has official macOS
64-bit binaries.
> Ian West
> ========================
>> On 16 Aug 2022, at 11:08, Ian West <ian42w...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks Hans, and Jean.
>> I shall try and learn up those tricks.
>> Ian
>> ==========
>>>> On 15 Aug 2022, at 17:01, Hans Åberg <haber...@telia.com> wrote:
>>>> On 15 Aug 2022, at 17:57, Jean Abou Samra <j...@abou-samra.fr> wrote:
>>>> Also, when you enter the apostrophe from the keyboard, is it really
>>>> a straight apostrophe -> ' <- or could it be that macOS does
>>>> you the “favor” to replace it with a curly apostrophe -> ’ <- ?
>>>> LilyPond expects straight apostrophes. If this is the problem, you need
>>>> to fix your macOS settings somewhere to prevent those “smart quotes”.
>>> One can turn those off at System Preferences → Keyboard → Text → Use smart
>>> quotes and dashes. Those are reachable at least from the keyboard map I am
>>> using, so I decided to type them by hand at need.
>>> Also, one can add custom text replacements, which I use for example for the
>>> arrows above.