A little request for feedback from Scheme power users:
Consider the following snippet from David K.
\version "2.23.11"
#(define-macro (pattern args result)
`(define-music-function (parser location ,@args) ,(make-list (length
args) 'ly:music?)
#{ $@(list ,@result) #}))
$(pattern (A B C D) (A B D A C D)) { a' a' a' a' } { b' b' b' b' } { c''
c'' c'' c'' } { d'' d'' d'' d'' }
I was astounded that this works, but it does work. When you
quasiquote a S-expression containing embedded LilyPond #{ ... #},
and include a Scheme expression #... inside this, and use an unquote
inside that nested Scheme expression, it really gets substituted.
In the discussion
we (developers) are considering a change in the implementation of
#{ ... #} that would have benefits, but it would not work with this sort
of case. One would have to use plain Scheme here, replacing
#{ $@(list ,@result) #}
(make-sequential-music (list ,@result))
The benefits of the change would be making the parsing more robust for
situations like a # in a LilyPond % comment within #{ ... #}, which should
not be interpreted as a Scheme expression. It would also simplify the
Note that you can't really do something useful with a quoted #{ ... #}
apart from evaluating it, so this use case is specific to macro contexts.
I believe it's OK calling this a very special case and no longer
supporting it, but I'd like to be sure. Would you have thought of
doing something like this? Would you have expected it to work?