Hi Dan,

Is there any way to get this repeat structure with the recent
repeat additions? This is from a question on the user list.

||:  A    :||     B    ||
         Fine      D.C. Al Fine

-> A A B A

My first thought was to do

\version "2.23.10"

m =
\repeat segno 2 {
  \repeat volta 2 {
  \volta 2 \fine

{ \m }
{ \unfoldRepeats \m }

That works about fine, except that the resulting
structure with \unfoldRepeats is A A B A A and
not A A B A. What I need seems to be a kind of
\volta 2 \fine within the inner \repeat volta
that would apply \volta with the outer \repeat
segno. Did miss something like that? Should
it be registered as a feature request?


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