This discussion isn't exactly putting Jonas in a comfortable
situation, which I empathize with, and I'm trying not to add
to that. I do want to raise a few points.

Le 25/05/2022 à 19:05, Jonas Hahnfeld via Discussions on LilyPond development a écrit :
From the MR:
I equally object to any contribution being merged "because the author knows what 
he's doing".

For context, this was in response to "I hope that you can trust me,
being the FreeType maintainer since 20 years, on font issues." which,
during code review, makes it far too easy to dismiss arguments without
the needed explanations for "mere mortals".

I agree that all commits should have a clearly explained and
duly justified rationale, because a review is a request
from the developer community to accept to collectively
build upon and maintain new code, and to invite future
developers to do so. On the other hand, I feel like a
lot of this particular discussion has been Werner explaining
background knowledge on the tooling (Metafont and FontForge
and their issues). Font-related programming is a discipline in
itself. I think commit messages, MR summaries and code comments
should aim to provide motivation for the change and the design in
a language targeted for a reader who does know about the context,
or there would be no end to it.

You are the one who does most review on code areas you
are not primarily a specialist of, which I very much
appreciate from experience on my own MRs, as it does catch
smaller or bigger problems or gives perspectives that I
hadn't thought of. However, on areas that it takes months
or years to become an expert of (LilyPond has a number
of those), trusting the judgement of someone who took
that time is a necessity.

I think it is important for us to recognize that Jonas has not been asking
for authority to reject a patch.  He has been expressing technical concerns
about the selected architecture.  Code review should allow for this kind of
expression in all cases.

I hope we can recognize that both Werner and Jonas are trying to improve
LilyPond.  And in fact, Werner has indicated that he needs to make changes
in response to Jonas's questions.


All the best,

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