While trying to see if I could help out Jean, I found this piece of documentation about libgc: https://github.com/ivmai/bdwgc/blob/master/doc/debugging.md
BDWGC is the project name for libgc.so Quoting from that page: If the fault occurred in GC_find_limit, or with incremental collection > enabled, this is probably normal. The collector installs handlers to take > care of these. You will not see these unless you are using a debugger. Your > debugger should allow you to continue. It's often preferable to tell the > debugger to ignore SIGBUS and SIGSEGV ("handle SIGSEGV SIGBUS nostop > noprint" in gdb, "ignore SIGSEGV SIGBUS" in most versions of dbx) and set a > breakpoint in abort. The collector will call abort if the signal had > another cause, and there was not other handler previously installed. It's possible this will be enough for debugging our Guile-based application. However, just in case the original page might move, there is a second mechanism to try if the above proves unsuitable: If the application generates an unhandled SIGSEGV or equivalent, it may > often be easiest to set the environment variable GC_LOOP_ON_ABORT. On many > platforms, this will cause the collector to loop in a handler when the > SIGSEGV is encountered (or when the collector aborts for some other > reason), and a debugger can then be attached to the looping process. This > sidesteps common operating system problems related to incomplete core files > for multi-threaded applications, etc. I don't think lilypond requires this deeper level of trickery, but just in case. HTH, Luca On Wed, May 18, 2022 at 1:08 AM Jean Abou Samra <j...@abou-samra.fr> wrote: > > > Le 17/05/2022 à 13:06, Jean Abou Samra a écrit : > > Hi, > > > > After upgrading to Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, I can no longer use GDB > > with LilyPond, although it runs fine outside of GDB. > > [...] > > > Thanks to private replies, I have learnt that this is apparently > expected, and it works to type "continue" when this segfault > appears. > > > -- Luca Fascione