On 5/9/22 16:10, Jean Abou Samra wrote:

Random idea: how about taking a difference approach and doing this
in LY_DEFINE instead? You can do something along the lines

scm_set_object_property_x (the_resulting_scm_procedure,
                           ly_symbol2scm ("c++-location"),
                           scm_cons (ly_string2scm (__FILE__), to_scm (__LINE__)));

and then implement 'make tags' via 'out/bin/lilypond -ddump-tags',
where -ddump-tags is an option that iterates over the lily module
and outputs the tags file by reading the object property (somewhat
similar to the autogeneration of the Internals in
scm/document-functions.scm). That means this doesn't need to maintain
a duplicated version of the name mangling logic. Is the etags
format simple enough to write?

The TAGS file structure is simple enough, and I agree having
only one place to maintain name mangling logic is good.

But, I am not following you on the reference to
'out/bin/lilypond -ddump-tags'.  Is -ddump-tags a command line option
to the lilypond executable?  Please explain.

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