Yes I underground that, I was meaning for person's mental parsers, it helps that tokens (in an informal sense) always look the same
L On Mon, 25 Apr 2022, 14:01 David Kastrup, <> wrote: > Luca Fascione <> writes: > > > I think this is because it being an unquoted string (PERLfolk call these > > barewords) makes it feel more like an identifier, even if technically > it's > > a string (for the time being). > > It also has some advantages for example it's easier to work with names > > being always unquoted when you're grepping for them, kinda scenario > > > > I think things that work like language-level names, for this reason, > should > > flow unquoted, even if this requires effectively supporting barewords. > > LilyPond's input syntax treats strings and unquoted words identical in > most circumstances: essentially you can use quote marks to have things > interpreted as a single word that would otherwise be split into several > syntactic entities or be considered a notename (for example). > > -- > David Kastrup >