Le 18/03/2022 à 22:57, Simon Albrecht a écrit :
Hello everybody,

I hope it is appropriate for me to post this here, I haven’t closely followed development for a long time.

I have a custom accidental style following 18th century usage (example attached) which fails in 2.23.6 because the internals have changed. Namely, for the sixth note in the attached example, the alteration value query returns the symbol tied instead of a number.

I’ve tried to find the merge request or issue corresponding to this change, and haven’t found anything. Even looking directly at <https://gitlab.com/lilypond/lilypond/-/blob/master/scm/music-functions.scm#L1696> shows no change. Can someone point me in the right direction to understand how I should adapt my code?

I do think this accidental style might be a worthwhile addition to openLilyLib or even to LilyPond itself, but I’m not sure the coding is good enough.

Could be

commit 2151499a7ca37a8138cea630be96da5daea88159
Author: Jean Abou Samra <j...@abou-samra.fr>
Date:   Sun Jul 4 17:17:28 2021 +0200

    Base accidental rules on global timing, not measure position

    measurePosition stops increasing during a cadenza.  It is thus
    unreliable for determining automatic accidentals, which
    (unlike, e.g., automatic beams) should only depend on measure
    boundaries, not on the measures' inner structure.  Issue #6153
    was caused by incorrect detection of consecutive notes due to
    this.  Use the context's current moment instead.  This also
    fixes a similar problem with partials: the function was called
    with the bare measurePosition, but the locations stored in
    localAlterations had a version that is normalized by adding
    a multiple of the measure length to make it positive.

    The current moment is not passed to the functions as the measure
    position used to be since it can be easily retrieved with

    Closes #6153.

but I have no time to check. Does that help already?

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