>> https://lilypond.org/doc/v2.23/Documentation/usage/sharing-the-table-of-contents.html
> Here is an enhanced replacement.

Here is an even more enhanced replacement that allows formatting
commands in the TOC entries, for example

2, section, 1, {\emph{B}}, toc97




% Include a LilyPond score with an optional table of contents.
% This macro is a wrapper for the `\includepdf` command from the
% 'pdfpages' LaTeX package.
% Syntax:
%   \includescore{scorefile}
%   \include[tocfile]{scorefile}
% `scorefile` is the name of a PDF file.  `tocfile` is the name
% of a file containing entries for the master file's table of
% contents; see option 'addtotoc' in the 'pdfpages'
% documentation for the exact syntax.


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