I was wondering how to do exactly this actually :-)
Thanks Werner!


On Mon, 7 Mar 2022, 08:06 Werner LEMBERG, <w...@gnu.org> wrote:

> > https://www.cs.utexas.edu/ftp/garbage/submit/notready/schintro.ps
> >
> > [...] and the rendering is not great.
> Attached you can find a PDF version of `schintro.ps` that replaces all
> bitmap fonts in the above documents with real outline fonts.  The
> corresponding script to do the conversion was
> ```
> pkfix-helper \
>   --verbose \
>   --verbose \
>   --ps=schintro-bitmaps-before.ps \
>   --tex=schintro-bitmaps-after.tex \
>   --force Fh="cmbx12 @ 1.095X" \
>   --force Fj="cmsl10 @ 1.095X" \
>   --force Ff="cmtt12 @ 1.095X" \
>   --force Fg="cmr7" \
>   --force Fa="cmmi12 @ 1.2X" \
>   --force Fb="cmmi9" \
>   --force Fi="cmmi10 @ 1.095X" \
>   schintro.ps \
>   fix1.ps \
>   &> schintro-bitmaps.pkfix-helper.log \
> && pkfix fix1.ps fix2.ps \
> && ps2pdf fix2.ps schintro.pdf
> rm -f fix1.ps fix2.ps
> ```
> (The used programs are part of TeXLive.)
>     Werner

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