> In the archives I read from David in 2016:
>   “I cannot exactly blame Ian Hulin for stopping to
>   contribute (and I don't actually know whether he is
>   still alive).”
> https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-devel/2016-05/msg00077.html
> Saddeningly, Ian seems to have died aged 59.
> I came long after that time, but looking at the commit logs, he
> seems to have helped with the early days of the Guile 2 migration,
> which is ironically near to its end at the moment (unless you argue
> it has been nearing the end for 10 years ...).
> I've tried to CC a few people who participated in development at
> that time and might not be following this list these days.

We could dedicate the first LilyPond Guile 2 release to him.


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