Am Samstag, dem 27.11.2021 um 13:54 +0100 schrieb David Kastrup:
> Jonas Hahnfeld via Discussions on LilyPond development
> <> writes:
> > Am Samstag, dem 27.11.2021 um 12:43 +0100 schrieb Jan Nieuwenhuizen:
> > > I already proposed using GNU Guix, making use of its excellent cross
> > > build system and creation of universal binaries.
> > 
> > The problem is there is no such thing as cross-compilation for recent
> > macOS, it's simply not allowed by Apple.
> There could be for Darwin and it's conceivable that a command line
> application like LilyPond could be delivered in that manner without
> involving Apple's proprietary build environments.  Likely without
> offering platform-specific font integration.

Maybe for the most basic applications without dependencies because even
linking with libc will be tricky. For LilyPond, we're talking quite a
number of dependencies where some (for example glib2) link against
macOS frameworks. How would that ever work?

Feel free to prove me wrong, but that requires some code demonstration
- repeatedly making the same claim whenever the discussion comes up
doesn't bring us forward.

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