the MIDI takes its title string from the respective \header variable. If there is no such variable, it uses "" by default. It so happens that my old MIDI expanders take a really really dim view towards zero-length strings in that function, making their MIDI file parsing fail while displaying garbage. So I'd lean towards not setting the MIDI title at all (not sure that is possible) or setting it to the base filename of the MIDI (the most convenient thing for my actual use case since then I have at least some information in that space; it's possible that if the format allows omitting the title string altogether that the expanders would show this or something useful as default but I don't know). What are other people's feelings here? Should we allow an explicit specification of the title as "" to override such a fallback? This is put into the MIDI in Performance::output as far as I can see and a placeholder is set up in Control_track_performer::initialize . The standard does not appear to consider this mandatory; it may require a bit of refactoring to be able to leave it off in LilyPond. What do people think we should be doing ideally? -- David Kastrup