Hi Carl,

>> Did my explicit answer in the other email (i.e., “one 
>> quintuplet-sixteenth-note”) not suffice?
> Would that be \times 4/5 16 ?  Or \tuplet 5/4 16 ?


In an Adès score, for example, you might see

    (4/4) q q q q | q q \triplet { q q q } | (1/6) q q | (4/4) q q q q | …

and the two 1/6 "quarters" are really triplet quarters, each of a duration 
equal to one of the \triplet q’s.

That’s why I’m thinking the rhythmic relationship might be a lot easier to see 
if the 1/6 was in #'note-denom format rather than standard (numeric) format.


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