On 10/16/21, 4:55 AM, "lilypond-devel on behalf of Jean Abou Samra" <lilypond-devel-bounces+carl.d.sorensen=gmail....@gnu.org on behalf of j...@abou-samra.fr> wrote:
<snip> A factor to consider is that, as far as I can read http://lilypond.org/bug-reports.html (but I can't remember how it worked for myself), posting to bug-lilypond requires being subscribed to the list, thus receiving all subsequent bug reports, which is not what a user wants. On GitLab, just turn on notifications for an issue if you are interested in it. This is turned on by default if you are the author of the report. When I started with bug-lilypond, posting did not require subscribing. Now, apparently, it does, probably to avoid spam (we had a problem with spam on bug-lilypond for a while). However, one can subscribe to the list and turn off all emails. It's also a question of communication. With bug-lilypond, a bug report is supposedd not to immediately interface with developers (for some definition of this term). A drawback of GitLab issues is that everyone there receives notification for all reports including those that are not actually valid. I would actually turn this to an advantage: it's often interesting to see common failure patterns (leading to better interfaces and/or better documentation). I have turned off GitLab issues, because I don’t want to be swamped with the updates. I am, however, subscribed to bug-lilypond so I can see what problems come up and will respond to those that I feel a need to. I would be really disappointed if we replaced bug-lilypond with GitLab issues. GitLab issues give you the whole history. bug-lilypond just gives you the report and the issue number for the created issue (if I want more information). I would stop interacting with bug reports entirely if bug-lilypond is replace with direct submission to GitLab issues. Thanks, Carl