On 10/11/21, 12:17 PM, "lilypond-devel on behalf of Jonas Hahnfeld via 
Discussions on LilyPond development" 
<lilypond-devel-bounces+carl.d.sorensen+digest=gmail....@gnu.org on behalf of 
lilypond-devel@gnu.org> wrote:

    Am Samstag, dem 09.10.2021 um 19:28 +0200 schrieb Jean-Charles
    > Hello all,
    > In the last days of 2017, just before 2.20 was born, James arranged 
    > changes.tely such that items don't get just stacked one over the other 
    > but sort of reflect the organizing of the Notation Reference. I found it 
    > very wise and useful for the reader, and kept that during the 
    > development of 2.21.
    > I took care of moving things around with the branching of stable/2.22 
    > for the English version and the other translators did their duty…
    > And I've kept it in French for the moment.
    > What do you think about having a policy about it, since most of the 
    > change's entries go with an update to other manuals?
    As I said on GitLab, I'm in favor of keeping a more structured Changes
    document already from the beginning. We probably want a more general
    "Major and Breaking Changes" as the first section, though, and then a
    "Notational Changes" with subsections according to the NR.

I really like the current layout of changes.tely for the development version.  
It allows me to see the changes that happened in a particular version and see 
if I want to update.

That being said, if the team feels it's better to keep a logical cumulative 
document instead, I won't object.


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