Am 06.10.21 um 21:21 schrieb Jean Abou Samra:
Hi all,

Rebasing and merging Lukas' \after patch this
morning, I had a wonder moment — wait, he still
doesn't have commit access? Seeing his recent patches,
which all required substantial discussion and
refinement as well as documentation and regression
tests (bracketed bass figure alterations, \after,
\numericTimeSignature, the closed \lyricSkip), as
well as his participation on lilypond-devel, and
of course on lilypond-user for quite some time, I
believe Developer role on GitLab is long overdue.
As a reminder, this means the ability to merge
one's patches as well as change merge request
labels (which is useful often). Thoughts?

Of course that's very flattering, thanks.

Not really having any serious software development experience, I'm really impressed by the way LilyPond development is structured nowadays: You manage to, at the same time, keep the threshold for new contributors very low (a Gitlab account is enough), make sure that a rookie contributor can't break anything, and, by a huge amount of generosity and helpfulness of you guys, help polish and improve amateur contributions enough that they can actually be merged eventually.

Thanks much, and maybe that's a good opportunity to reiterate that my everyday work (as a theory teacher at a music university) wouldn't be possible the way it is without LilyPond. It's an incredible piece of software, and I would have to think very hard to find even a day over last few years that I didn't use it.

As for the question of commit access, for me it's a trade-off between my fear of accidentally breaking something and my wish not to burden others too often with eventual rebasing/merging chores the way Jean generously did for me a couple of times.


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